Chapter 2

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SamandColby @samandcolby

Hey guys! We loved performing for you! If you missed the show on YouTube, check out that video and more at ...



"Fuck!" Corey hurled his phone into the wall, not seeming to care if it broke, "Motherfucking pieces of shit!"

Elton barely flinched, staring unblinkingly at his phone as the page slowly loaded. The tweet had just been posted, and the assembled former trap house had hoped desperately it was a message from Sam or Colby.

It was not to be.

"I can't look, what is it?" Kat had her face hidden in her hands. She had been the one to spur the gathering, showing up at Devyn and Corey's apartment in tears pointing at a screenshot that had been DM'd to her two days after their friends had been taken. She had refused to get on social media after the message in an attempt to avoid the horrifying photos that were trending among their fan base.

Elton couldn't blame her. He had been woken from a nap by his inbox exploding with screenshots from the short lived YouTube video depicting his friends. He had found the all call to Corey's apartment in the group chat shortly after that and had made a beeline to his friends.

Elton felt sick as he scrolled through the page that had pulled up. "It's a site where you can pay for pictures and videos of them..." The photos and videos were blurred, promising clearer shots for sums of money. It was the box at the bottom that made Elton close out of the site, feeling like he honestly might throw up from disgust. "There's a fucking suggestions box. You can fucking pay for a request!"

Kat sobbed, burying her face into her hands and Devyn wrapped her into her arms, tears shining in her eyes. Elton heard Corey and Aaron swear, and Jake's solemn comment, "That's fucked up."

"Who would do something like this?" Aaron asked quietly, his hands cross in his lap as Corey continued pacing angrily. "Like who would making them fucking..."

"Solby fans?"

"Fucking rape each other," Aaron gestured wildly, finishing his sentence.

"Don't say that," Kat uncovered her face, glaring at Aaron through red eyes.

"That's what's going on right?" Aaron snarled, "They've got them in a room, fulfilling a bunch of fucked up fantasies for their fucked up fans.."

"Stop it!" Kat screamed.

"Hey!" Elton yelled, cutting them all off. He nailed them a look that dared anyone to speak up, "We're all scared, okay? Let's not start lashing out at each other.

There was quiet following his yell. "Sorry Kat," Aaron apologized.

Kat nodded, sniffling. "I'm just so scared," She whispered. Aaron ran a hand through his hair, walking over to where the girls were on the couch and sitting down next to them. He wrapped an arm around Kat and held her tight.

Corey threw himself down into a chair. "I should have gone with them," He pressed the heels of his hands into his forehead. "Maybe if I had gone with them nothing would have happened." Elton knew he was referring to the haunted hotel trip Sam and Colby had been filming when they had disappeared.

Jake was already skating his head. "Hey man, I was there and they just knocked me out and took them anyway," Jake shrugged. Jake had woken up the morning after they took Sam and Colby tied up in their hotel room. He had been found when housekeeping had come in to clean the room the next morning. As much as he had figured, someone had grabbed their friends at about nine at night. Elton had seen the bruises that painted his face, chest, and ribs, but Jake hadn't been forthcoming on where they had come from and everyone was a little too worried about Sam and Colby to press him.

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