"We need to talk," said Hayley slowly, glaring at the woman as Aiden walked up behind her. The woman made to lunge at him, but Elijah held her back, and Hayley put her hands up in surrender. "We're not here for a fight. Just hear him out."

"Speak," Elijah beckoned, staring directly at Aiden. "I suggest you be succinct."

"Please," said Aiden quietly. "I need your help." He held up his phone. "I'll explain everything. Josh, Marcel, and Oliver should be on their way."

There were several tense moments of waiting for Marcel and Josh to arrive.

Esmeray kept looking between the young vampire, Gia, and Hayley, who were both looking expectantly at Elijah, who was staring at Aiden with curiosity.

"This is awkward," she said with a small smile. "Maybe we should say something. Anything, please."

"What is there to talk about?" asked Gia a bit defensively, apparently not too happy with being in the presence of two hybrids and a werewolf.

Esmeray looked her up and down. "Let's talk about your hair. It's similar to mine, only mine is longer. How do you take care of it?"

Elijah looked at her as if to say, 'Are you really going to talk about this right now?'

Esmeray shot back a look that said, 'Yes, because otherwise, Hayley and Gia might kill each other because apparently, your dick is just that good.'

But she didn't say that, as much as she wanted to. Gia ran her tongue slowly over her lips. "Oh. Um... I use this one conditioner... I can write it down for you."

She went to get a notepad, and Hayley watched her go, apparently judging her.

"This totally isn't terrible," said Aiden with a tight-lipped smile. "We really should talk about something better."

"You can choose the topic, then," said Esmeray, gesturing for him to speak. "Unless you want us all to talk about the elephant in the room."

"There is no elephant in the room," said Hayley lowly, casting Elijah a side look before turning back to Aiden. She was about to speak when there was a woosh, and Josh and Marcel arrived. Seconds later, Oliver jogged into the room.

"Thank god," said Aiden under his breath before clearing his throat. "Okay. So a bunch of the young, untriggered werewolves are being gathered for the La Luna Sanguinis ritual tonight, which as Esmeray told me, is one hundred percent real and deals with them killing someone under the blood moon to trigger their curse. The witch, Finn, is getting antsy, and he wants soldiers. So now, it's either join up, or pay the price."

Elijah frowned. "I've known my brother Finn to be merciless, but I'll admit, this exceeds even my expectations."

"Since they're kids, we want to save them," said Esmeray. Aiden cast her a look, and she smiled sheepishly. "Mostly Aiden wants to save them. Forgive me for being a thousand years old and feeling excited to see a ritual that was special to me in the past." She shook her head. "Anyway, we need to get the kids out of the city. And to get an escape route, we need someone who knows the Quarter really well. Marcel, that's where you come in."

"Where will we be taking them?" he asked.

"There's still wolves deep in the Bayou," mentioned Oliver. "Ones that didn't take a ring. They can look after them."

Marcel huffed. "The ones that never sold out, you mean."

"You wanna look at it like that, that's fine. We did what we had to do."

"Your wolves have been fighting us for decades. Why trust us now?"

"One of the recruits is my little brother," said Aiden after briefly hesitating. "There's no way I'm sending him to war."

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