8 - Irresistible

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      Clark had slept well briefly. After they kissed goodnight, Bruce and he had gone their separate ways. Clark to his guest room and Bruce to his room. Or so he said. Clark was sure he heard Bruce leave the manor entirely. But he slept a few hours before his super hearing picked up a struggle, a bombs and bullets kind of struggle. 

      He was out of the house faster than you can say super speed. A red and blue blur that stops, hovering in fascination over a catastrophic scene. Harley Quinn was spinning around swinging a comically oversized mallet, tossing little joker bombs in random directions. Some just exploding and some making smoke or confetti. Thugs were circling Batman and he was fighting all 6 of them single handedly. Clark was looking for an opening and scanning for civilians, when his super hearing picked up Batman's gruff voice, muttering, "Stay out of it you big blue boy scout."

   That had to be directed at him. Well, it was his turf. So he floated over to a building and sat on the ledge. Peering down at the fight he watched Batman kick and punch, his heel catching one goon in the sternum and sending them flying back. Then his fist hooked one of their jaws and left them dazed and sprawled on the pavement. Harley rushed him. Her mallet hit his shoulder, he spun and kicked out. It was knocked from her hands and she did a flip-y thing. Springing off her hands to land both feet in the middle of Bats chest. He stumbled back and lashed out with a batarang. It exploded and Harley fell on her ass, irritated. With one last joker bomb she attempts to escape. Batman dodges and throws something that wraps around her and pins her arms down. 

     He leaves her hanging by the bonds around her arms on a streetlight, over her tied up goons. Superman sighs in awe and rests his head in his hand. This guy had skill and was sexy. Then he looked down ashamed. Weren't he and Bruce an item? Bruce was a playboy though.. Superman knew he was starting to have real feelings, separate from his lust, for Bruce. But how did Bruce feel? Was this just a weekend fling? 

    He was jerked out of his thoughts by Batman grappling to a building across from him. He flew over, hovering in front of him. Batman looked away and grappled to another higher ledge. They were so high the cars below looked like glowing ant sized spots zipping across the pavement below.

     Batman looked out across the city, his back to the building, "Do you need something Superman?" His gravelly voice low and harsh. Superman shakes his head and then shrugs. "I don't need anything but I did want a chance to meet you properly this time." He smiles, flies in front of him and extends his hand, "I'm-"

     "Superman. I know. I'm Batman. Introductions over." He sees Superman's face fall, "What is it? Did you want an autograph or something?" Superman rubs his neck, "No, I just figured it would be cool to be friends with you. But that's probably silly." He flashes that awkward and adorable grin and Batman grabs him by the back of the neck and pulls him into a kiss. Superman freezes, but the warm soft lips feel so familiar. He closes his eyes and lets his hands settle on Batman's waist. And then a smoke bomb blew up in his face.

    He gone when the smoke clears, Superman blinks in stunned silence, All he can think is, 'He kisses just like Bruce...'

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