I was just exhausted. I really hope I'm making the right choice. He spent all of last night talking me into it, but I still wasn't fully convinced.

"You good?" Satoru asked.

I shook my head, "No."

"Don't go bitching out at the last second and change your mind," he snapped at me.

It was too late for that. I was already having major doubts and regrets.

"Did you tell her she wasn't good enough for me?" I looked over at him, trying to get a read on whether or not he was about to lie.

He let out a loud sigh, "Why the hell would that matter when you've already chosen? You should know your little relationship with her is about to be over anyway."

I stared down at the bracelet she gave me yesterday, twisting it around as we waited. He was right, but it wasn't because she wasn't good enough for me.

My eyes snapped up as I heard her laughing. She was walking with Maki and Fushiguro, both of them looking more excited than I had ever seen with anyone.

How does she always do that with everyone she meets?

"I'm making a huge mistake," I huffed out as I looked over at Satoru.

He shook his head, "No, you're not. You'll see."

My heart was breaking more with every step she took towards us. I really hope Satoru was right about all of this.

I've never been in love like this before, and I felt like I was giving up my entire life, my entire future, on blind trust that Y/n was planning to turn on me, and so I needed to do it first.

Satoru kept reminding me it was bigger than me and her... I had the chance to help sorcerers, including our students, and I couldn't ignore that for her.

Not when he thought she was using me for her own agenda anyway.

She hugged the two students goodbye before waving them off and joining us.

"Hi baby," she smiled as she put her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

I really shouldn't have, but I kissed her back. Desperately wanting to remember how she felt in my arms and against my lips.

"I missed you," she huffed out as we pulled apart and ran her hand back through my hair like she always did.

"I missed you too."

"Great," Satoru rolled his eyes as he walked to the driver's side of the car. "Now let's go."

I couldn't hold back like I was planning on, so as Satoru left us there alone, I gently caressed her face, "I love you, Y/n. So much."

Her face beamed back at me as I spoke the words, "I love you too." She pulled me in for one more kiss, smiling as we broke apart, "Always."

My eyes widened, "A-always?"

She bit down on her lip as she nodded her head, "Mm. And forever, if you'll have me."

"Y/n..." my heart felt like it was going explode with happiness and shock and love. That was everything I wanted to hear because I had already been feeling the exact same way. I just never expected her to reciprocate.

I definitely made the wrong choice.

"I-I'm so sorry," I felt the tears already escaping.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me, "Sorry? Why are you sorry? Suguru, is everything ok?"

She smiled as she wiped my tears away, "Just talk to me. You can trust me, remember?"

I nodded, "You're right... Y/n. W-we have to go. I have to get you out of here."

"W-what?" her eyes widened. "Why? What's going on?"

She jumped slightly and let out a surprised yelp as Satoru grabbed onto her shoulders.

"Yea, that's not happening," he mumbled before teleporting her to the car.

I looked at him with wild eyes, "Satoru, I can't do this."

He waved me off, "It's too late."

"Please," I grabbed his arm as he started to walk away. "Just promise we won't let her get hurt."

"You already know that's entirely up to her, Suguru. Just make sure she actually fucking listens for once."

Unexpected: Geto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now