Chapter 5

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Thank you so much everyone for reading this far in my book, and I'm so happy about how many people have read my books so far!! I hope you like this chapter. Also I edited chapter one because I decided i didn't want Noels parents to be dead.

I look around and all I see are dead and bloodied bodies everywhere. Everywhere I look I see corpses. I finally see a person that’s not dead. “Hello?” I ask wondering what’s going on. The man is dressed in black head to toe. “I told you to not do this.” He said. “What did I do?” I ask

“You murdered half the world. This is why your kind was eradicated. You all are murderers.”

“I didn’t do this.”

“Yes; yes you did I watched the whole thing take place.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“So you don’t believe your own mate?” The man say while taking off his hood that obstructed his face. I look at his face and see a scar running across his left eye.

“Why do you have a scar? You didn’t have a scar a minute ago.”

“Sweetie you did this to me.”

“What!?” I say right when everything around me starts to fade away.

I look around and all I see is nothing. I walk forward but run into a hard object. I start to walk all around but it’s like I’m in a box that keeps shrinking. “This is your self-control shrinking every second.” A voice screams. I cover my ears at the pain of the high pitched scream. The voice keeps echoing around me bouncing off the walls that are slowly suffocating me.

The walls start to shrink faster. I try to hold the walls away from me to get them to stop but they won’t. I fall onto my knees because I can’t stand up any more in the box. “Fuck.” I say starting to panic. I curl up in a ball to fit in the tiny box. The walls come to a slow stop centimeters from my body.

Flashes of my childhood start flashing by in a blur. Every so often the images will slow. I can hear every word ever said. I watch a poor little girl so young being yelled at, hearing so many fowl words. Her parents fight every second of the day. I watch as she sobs herself to sleep. I watch as her parents drink, but all the drinking makes everything worse. “I will never cry again.” She tells herself. I watch as this girl starts to become more mature then the people around her.

The girl builds a walls all around her to block anything that will make her cry, but all walls must come crashing down. She plasters a smile on her face to pretend that she’s happy, but inside she’s slowly suffocating. I watch as this girl hopes that the next day will get better but it never does. I watch as she’s kept up all night without any sleep the next day. To come hope with everything better, but once she thinks it will get better the emotional and mental torture starts again.

Before I know it I start crying because I was that girl. I tried to bury all those memories away I tried to forget them, but somehow they always come back. I thought about how France was the only person that was there for me. I remember that he would always come and hold me while I cried my eyes out. Finally I moved out because I couldn’t take being in that environment anymore.

“Beautiful why are you crying.” A male voice asks me. I look up and see that I’m no longer in the box, but in a meadow. I look around and spot Drew coming towards me. “W-Why are you acting different?” I stutter trying to stop myself from crying. Drew grabs my hands and lifts me up. “Because this is the real me not a heartless beast.” Drew says while wiping my tears away.

“But this isn’t real. I’m just imagining you being like this.” I yell at him feeling so many emotions running through me.

“No this isn’t real, but you need to know that this is how I really am. There are so many things that I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. You must earn my trust. There are things that you must figure out. The only reason why I’m here is because you need to stay in control of your powers. Right now the thing you need to worry about is your powers. Control your powers. Don’t let your powers control you.” Drew say to me.

“But I need my soul mate to help me control my powers.”

“Don’t give up I will come around.” He say

I feel tears gather in my eyes again. I look into my mates eyes and I see that he believes in me. “I wish you were like this in the real world.”

“I was like this once a long time ago. I used to have emotions and feelings, but they were taken. Now I must leave I hope to be with you soon.”

“Please don’t go.” I whisper, but I knew he wouldn’t have heard it even if he was in front of me. I close my eyes hoping this will all be over soon. “Noel…” I open my eyes and look around, but I see nothing. “Noel…” the voice says louder. “Where are you?” I ask hoping to find the owner of the voice. “I’m trapped.”

Before I could say anything back the ground starts to crack.  I look around and watch as the land crumbles away. I turn around and start to run. A piece of earth in front of me cracks and falls into the trench. I have to stop so I don’t fall with it. “Fuck!” I say to myself. I know this is my end. I look up at the darkening sky. The ground under me gives way and I start to fall.

I open my eyes and immediately see Drew looking at me. I look around my surrounding freaking out. Fuck. I look back at Drew and realize I’m in his arms. “Y-You can let me down. I say shakily. “Are you sure your trembling and crying?” he asks. I wipe away the tears that I didn’t even know were there. “Y-Yes I’m fine.” I say still stuttering.

Drew set me down on my feet slowly. Making sure to catch me if I lose my balance. I stand in one place trying to overcome my sudden dizziness from being set down. “Can you help me over to the couch?” I ask knowing I won’t be able to walk to it without falling. Drew picks me up, and I scream because I didn’t realize he was going to pick me up. “Did I hurt you?”

“No; I just didn’t expect you to pick me up.” I respond back to him. Drew takes a couple of steps and sets me on the couch. I take a couple of deep breathes trying to relax myself. I open my eyes again and look up at Drew. “How long have I been out.” I ask.

“You were only out for thirty seconds.”

“It felt like forever.” I say more to myself.

I rub my temple trying to make my head ache go away. I look back up at Drew remembering that in the vision he had a scar the first time, but I see no scar on him now. “Why are you staring at me?” Drew asks. “I am staring at you because I had a vision, and in the vision I saw you two times once with a scar across your eye and the second time you didn’t have a scar. So I was just wondering if you actually have a scar, because I’ve never really looked at what you looked like.” I say. Drew just nodded his head at my explanation.

“I have to leave goodbye.” Drew says to me.

“Okay bye.” I say watching him leave my house.

I stand up and wait a second to see if I will get dizzy again. When I don’t I walk up the stairs to my room, and grab my phone off the night stand and text France. 

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