Fairytales Retold AU x Chubby: Little Red Riding Hood- RM x Chubby Reader x JJK

Start from the beginning

As she passed through the clearing of the forest path, Namjoon kept his eyes on her big basket in awe. He could smell rosemary, poppin seeds, butter, sugar, salt, and even heard how the bread cracked from afar and imagined himself gorging and feasting upon such delicacy.

He waited for a while, watching her go along trotting smoothly on the rough dirt of the path, and he decided to sneak in from the left. "Morning!" He yelled and Y/N also nodded her head to signal she understood. She knows who Namjoon is and knows that he's the wolf that's been scarfing freebies to get by. She wonders what he would expect from her.

"Hey! Wait a moment!"

"What?" She asked rudely to make sure she made her point that she's uncomfortable about him getting this close to her.

"I want something to eat. I'm hungry." He pouts.

"Are you serious?! Didn't you just take your fair share of eating what the Jung squirrel family provided?"

"I'm thankful that they and everyone give me food as long as I protect them. So please. I just saw your goodie basket and it smells delicious. Besides it seems like you eat enough yourself and so you should share. You could shed some fat you know?"

Oh hell nah he didn't just invoke the hidden shadow demon emerging in Y/N. But he just did as he notices how she looks at him with darkness caking her face. 

And this is the moment he knew that he fucked it all up for himself.

"You?! Calling who out for eating enough? You couldn't even sustain yourself for a day without breaking into someone's home, stealing and even at this point begging for people to feed you. And you think it's funny to point out that I have enough fat to starve? Well if it were that easy, I would've lost enough weight and personally donated my stored fat to feed you. You insensitive rouge."

Y/N called him the worst derogative term when it came to wolves and hybrid wolves alike.

"What did you just call me?" He asked slightly irritated as he knew he started this first, but now Y/N was doing worse by fueling his deep insatiable hanger issues.

Food itself wasn't a replacement for degrading someone and Namjoon knew that and this is when Y/N knew she fucked up as well. However, instead of feeling remorseful and humbling herself for saying something that would cause outrage between wolves and humans she decides to say this:

"I said what I said you're a rouge and acting like a-"

Before she could say any further, Namjoon tackled the poor girl down, administering his full body weight to pin down her appendages and in spite of feeling infuriated by her presence, he found himself uncomfortable in this position as he noticed her ravishing features. 

He noticed how her lips parted and how her chest heaves itself up and down with deep breathes flowing in and out, and how her magnificent hair parted as if she was a fallen star goddess that trespassed Earth. He felt a strange calling in him to get even closer to her.

Y/N was embarrassed and eventually felt guilty that she said such a thing to the poor hybrid. Despite him shaming her for her body, she didn't need to go too far to bring him down. 

"I'm sorry. Despite what you said, I shouldn't have called you a rogue." Namjoon slightly smirked, hopefully willing to gain something out of the situation.

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