7. Infiltration.

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*Sorry for the late upload, spilled Pepsi all over my laptop and had to finish the chapter on my phone.*

"What do you mean, we're not going to Funso's?" - Webby asked furiously, as the family limo turned a corner.

Scrooge polished his thankfully unbroken spectacles. - "We are at a disadvantage at the moment, we have no idea what is going on at Funso's, or if they have any more of those super-powered lasses around."

"So we just give up on Louie?" - Dewey asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"Of course not, we let GizmoDuck scout ahead, as we gather allies, before storming that grease filled abomination."

The car took another sharp turn, sending the family sliding to the left.

"But we don't know how long he'll be at Funso's!" - Huey added. - "Or why he went there in the first place." 

The car hit a speed-bump, launching the family out of their seats for a split-second, before they landed back down.


"Sorry Mr.McD!" - The driver called as he maneuvered the car through the streets of Duckberg, towards the large family manor located on Killmotor Hill.

"It took only three of them to beat us, what do you think'll happen if they have more than that?" - The Scottish businessman asked his great-nephew.

"They didn't beat us, they're the ones who retreated." - Dewey countered.

"Lad," - He gestured to the rest of the family, who were covered in the bruises and the bandages from first-aid kit taken from the trunk of the limo. -  "Does it look like we won?"

Dewey shrunk back, and Scrooge laid out his plan, the family was ordered to call up any allies and friends, who they thought would be a benefit in a battle against Louie and his super-powered comrades, and who were in, or could quickly get to Duckberg, they would then be informed of Scrooge's hastily devised invasion plan, before he put it into action.

The limo skid to a halt outside of the manor, allowing Scrooge, Della, Dewey, Huey, Webby, Lena and Violet to quickly get out and enter the grand mansion, most followed Scrooge straight to his study, while others headed towards the house's armoury, which was built after the Shadow War, which felt like it happened decades ago, but it reality, occurred just 5-years prior.

Webby however, made a beeline straight to her bedroom, with the curious Sabrewing sisters not too far behind. She arrived seconds before them, but when they opened her door, she had already changed from the pink and purple ball-gown into a dark stealth-suit adorned with her night-vision goggles.

"Webbigail, what are you doing?"

"I can't wait, the longer we take to prepare, the longer we give Louie a chance to disappear again." - She clipped on a utility belt and strapped her grapple-hook to it.

"Webs-" - The older of the sisters were cut off by Webby.

"You're not going to talk me out of this!"

The sorceress tried again. - "Webby-"

"I'm going whether you or anyone else agrees with me or not!"


"I"m going Lena!"

The teenager pulled a pair of keys from her pocket. - "I know that, I was going to ask you, do you want me to drive?"

Webby was caught of guard. - "What?"

"Surely you didn't think we were going to let you go alone?" - Violet questioned, crossing her arms.

"I... thank you guys." - The teen quickly ensnared the two in a hug. Before letting them go and pushing past them towards the door. - "Now let's go safe Louie."

Before she could escape "Uh Webby, do you think we can change first? This dress is quite stuffy."

Webby spotted an article of green clothing sitting on her bed, and motioned for her friends to take some of the spare clothes, she'd kept in her closet and change, before moving over and tying the emerald hoodie around her waist.


 The three teenagers arrived at the arcade and pizza place hybrid a little after 11pm, only to find the doors unlocked and eggheads moving hauling goods out the front door and into black moving trucks embellished with the FOWL logo. - "Say what you want about these guys, but they act fast." - Lena joked before group ducking behind a stack of boxes in effort to avoid a guard patrolling the area.

"What are they doing?" - Lena questioned.

"Leaving, by the look of things." - Webby peaked her head out from their hiding spot. - "There is no way we'll get through the front door, without alerting anyone." - Scanning the area, she noticed a door positioned beside the dumpsters. - "Over there!" - She whisper-shouted.

Violet reached and grabbed her arm, preventing her from sprinting out of their hiding spot. - "Wait, what about GizmoDuck?" 

"We can either wait around for him, or we take our chances." - Webby remarked, earning sighs from the sisters.

The three stealthily made their way to the side-door, but quickly found that it was locked. Without a word spoken between them, Violet pulled out a hairpin and picked the lock, once it was open, she peered inside, before opening it and entering inside.

Funso's looked almost identical to the last time Webby was there, well except for the ball-pit, which had been drained, revealing what looked like a trapdoor at the bottom.

"A secret passage?"

"Looks like it. But there is only one way to make sure." - Lena dropped into the empty pit, and pried the trap-door open, revealing a hidden tunnel.

The two younger girls shared a look, before dropping into the empty pit themselves, they quickly slipped past Lena, who just managed to hold the steel-hatch open long enough for the three of them to slip through.

Now inside the underground FOWL base, Webby, Violet and Lena crept quietly through the halls, stopping at every intersection, just to make sure there were no Egg-Heads around the corner, waiting to raise the alarm, however they didn't run into any guards, and their paranoia over being caught, shifted to wonder over if their was anything really important left for them to discover.

Eventually, the three arrived outside an office door, a name plate was screwed into the wood.

"Director Buzzard's office." - Lena read aloud.

Webby motioned for her friends to take a step back, when they were behind her, she reached forward and grabbed the handle, gently opening the door, she took a step back, expecting a booby-trap, but nothing happened, so they entered it.

The office looked like it had been ransact, books had ripped off the shelf, and paper was scattered all over the room.

The laptop on the desk had been shut, once it was opened, a red-screen with a flashing message in black text appeared, the messageread: Memory Erasure finished in 2-minutes 36-seconds.

"It's deleting its memory?"

Violet flipped the desks chair back on to its stand and took a seat, typing away, she attempted to prevent the information from being destroyed.

"Hey I thought we shut the Directors Office!" - Someone shouted from the hallway.

"Webbigail-" - Violet began but Webby already knew what she was asking.

"Lena you got my back?"

"Always." - The teen witch replied, her hands and eyes igniting in a mystical blue colour.

Ignoring the ache from the last battle, the nodded, and leapt out in the hallway, surprising a small army of Egg-Heads.


"Do you even have to ask?"

And with that the two teenagers charged at the henchmen, ready to fight with everything they had.

Thanks for reading Ch.7 of 'The Winter-Soldier' I hope you enjoyed and also hope you comment, vote, follow-me and read Ch.8 - MM

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