Chapter 6: A Month With Two

Start from the beginning

"Hey? Hey! What's going on? Y/N!''

She ignored my screams, then sat up still panting and sat back on the wall. She hugged her knees to her chest, she was a ball of panic, literally. She was panting and I could tell she wasn't getting much air in her lungs.

"Hey, y/n. Its ok, but you need to breath, ok? I need you to breath." I told her.

All she did was shut her eyes tight and covered her ears with her hands, still hugging her legs to her chest.

I was starting to panic as well. What was wrong with her?

Tears started running freely down her face. Her breath, or what little she had left, was shaking.

Then something clicked in my brain, like when I remembered my name, panic attacks. That's what was wrong. How did I know that?

I didn't know but now it didn't matter because I had to help her through this.

I took her wrists gently in my hands she winced at my touch, but I kept going. I pulled her hands, that at this point were digging into her head, off her ears. She kept crying and whispering something inaudible through her cries and shivers. She kept her head in her knees, her body shivering.

Once I got her arms to relax, I got closer to her and got her off the wall and got in between her and it. I held her in my arms, and she tensed so I got up again, making her lean on the wall again. I got in front of her fragile body looked at her for a moment.

I was running out of ideas to get her to calm down but if she didn't start to breath normally soon, she was going to pass out. So, I focused on that. I took her face in one of my hands, the other gripping her shaking, right hand. I pulled her face up gently so she could look at me, although her eyes were still glued shut, shaking breaths still muffled in her cries.

"Hey, y/n, hey. You're ok. See. Open your eyes, please. There's nothing here. Just me and you. You're ok." I said calmly to her.

She opened her eyes slowly looking toward me, her eyes bloodshot red from crying. Her breathes still uneven her body still tense, she looked around her and back towards me.

"I-I-I'm s-so-sorr-sorry." she said still slightly gasping for breath.

"Hey, hey. Don't be sorry. It not your fault. Come here." I said, bringing her into a hug. She was still crying in my arms but after a while she calmed down. She started breathing normally, she stopped crying, but she was still shivering.

I started to pull back to look at her to see if she was ok, but her arms rapped themselves around my torso and she took me into a bone crushing hug. We stayed like this until I felt her arms relax and begin to fall of me. I started to worry as her arms fell limp onto the floor. But when I looked at her, I realized that her body was calm, her breathes fair and even. And her body was no longer shaking.

She was asleep. I don't blame her; I noticed the past couple nights she hasn't been sleeping much at night. Shes been disappearing to the woods for a couple hours then she would come back. I never said anything, but I was curious as to where she was going though.

Now with this panic attack, which I have a big feeling isn't the first time has happened. But for now, I wasn't going to say anything. She was finally sleeping peacefully and that's what mattered.

I picked her up with one arm going under her knees and one under her arms. I walked back up to the glade and carefully put her on her hammock, carefully putting her head on her pillow and pulling her blanket over top of her and left are homestead, leaving her to sleep silently and peacefully.

I went back out the door to are kitchen and got myself a lunch. I just ate the one y/n packed for me this morning and decided to start cutting down some wood afterwards, to make a nice little fire later.

I got done with all of that and it was starting to get dark. The rumble of the doors, telling me it was now supper time. I got myself and y/n a supper and walked quietly into the room I had left her in.

She was still sleeping so I let her. I put her food next to her on the little table I had built her with little pieces of scrap wood left from building the Homestead. I sat next to her, eating my supper, I had nowhere else to eat but here, really. Plus, I wanted to keep an eye on the girl, just in case she awoke, in need of something. I would be there.

I know what you might be thinking, "Oh, Alby has a crush on her." am I right?

Well, you would be very wrong. She was like my little sister. We've only known each other for about two weeks now, but I have a feeling we've known each other longer. Like we knew each other before this whole mess.

I don't know, I just felt very overprotective of her, my little sister. But she's nothing but little. She is the strongest minded, toughest little human on earth. I know that much. She can always make me feel happy with her sarcastic, witty remarks and jokes. Seeing her today in that state, broke my heart.

Such a kind heart shouldn't have to go through all that. She definitely has the kindest of hearts.

It got darker and darker, and y/n still wasn't awake, it was starting to worry me, but I left her be since I knew she was very tired after probably a moth and a half of barely sleeping.

So, I got into my own hammock and dosed of. Hoping that y/n would be ok tomorrow.



-And chapter 6!

-Hope you guys liked it, as always tell me what you thought

-good morning/goodnight to all you shuckfaces! <3 

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