Jevil hugged Marx and Dimentio tight. This was the first time in so long that they were all together. It just felt right. The three of them. It was like theybwere destined to be friends. Even if they came from different worlds.

Seam cleared his throat. "'s time." Jevil shut his eyes and slowly let go of his two friends. Dimentio had a confused look on his masked face. "What? What does he mean?"

Jevil opened his eyes and looked at Dimentio. "I'm going home." Dimentio was slightly shocked. "Really? You're going back?" Jevil nodded. Dimentio looked to the ground. "But, I don't have my magic. I won't be able to visit you."

Jevil's eyes widened. "You won't?? B-but no! I don't wanna never see you again! We're a team! All three of us!"

Marx sighed. "I....I could just warp him over to you. That way you guys can still see each other."

Jevil's face lit up. "Marx! Marx! What a fantastic idea! We can all meet up! We can be like a group! *gasp* We need a cool name!" Dimentio smirked. "A name. What would people call us? The insane clown gang?" Jevil shook his head. "I think we should be, 'Dimmy, Marxy Marx, and Jevil: trio of chaos!'"

Marx rolled his eyes. "Let's just be something simple. Like, 'The Jester Trio.'"

Jevil and Dimentio looked over at him. "....I like it." Dimentio said. Jevil shrugged. "Okay! Then we are The Jester Trio, Trio! Dimmy can be the leader, Marx can be the brawn, and I can be the chaos!!"

Dimentio's eyes softened. "You want me to be the leader?" Jevil nodded. Dimentio shifted his gaze over to Marx. Marx was looking down. Dimentio let out a small sigh. "Well, my first act as leader will be to hand over the 'leader' position to Marx. He's technically been around the longest, he deserves to have it. I can just be the brains." Marx's eyes widened. "Wait, really?"

Dimentio nodded. Jevil just smiled. "Aww, Dimmy! How nice of you!" Jevil felt tears form in his eyes. He looked behind him. Seam was waiting. He quickly scooped his two friends into another tight hug. "I love you guys."

He slowly let go and walked over to Seam. He took his good friend's hand. "Ready?" Seam asked. Jevil sighed. "Ready, Seam."

Jevil teleported the two of them away. Back to his own world, just outside of his cell. He slowly walked inside. Seam cocked his head to the side. "Jevil, what are you doing?" Jevil shrugged. "Sitting in my little freedom. Why?"

Seam sighed and sat down next to him. "I see. You still wish to stay in here?" Jevil shook his head. "No, no. I don't want to be alone. But this is my place. It is where I belong. I've been here for so long. The kings would not appreciate it if I left." Seam looked down, then smiled. "Then, I'm staying here too." Jevil shook his head. "No, Seam. You don't have to do that. The door is unlocked. You can go anywhere." Seam took Jevil's hands. "So can you! Just come out there with me. Sure, the people won't like it, and they'll probably try locking you up again and again, but hey, that doesn't matter anymore. You won't be alone anymore. Where you go, I'll go."

Jevil leaned into his friend, resting the side of his head on Seam's lap. "I don't even know what the world looks like anymore. Plus, you don't know what's coming, coming!"

Seam smiled. "I can show you, and don't worry. There are three heroes. And something tells me that they'll be able to take care of it." Jevil jerked up. "They can't! They can't!" Seam shushed him. "I think they can. After all, they beat you. If they can do that, then they can do anything."

Jevil slowly nodded, and stood up. Seam held out his hand, and led Jevil outside, homeward bound.

Dimentio and Marx watched Jevil teleport away with his friend. Marx smirked. "Guess we're the Jester Trio now." Dimentio patted Marx's back. "Yep. And you're the leader of it." Marx had a slightly uneasy look on his face. "I need to ask, why did you do that? I mean, you love being in charge and being in power. Why did you pass it over to me so quickly?" Dimentio just smiled. "Because, you want to be in power too. Plus, you're just as qualified. You've been around longer, you're cunning, I feel like you'd be a good fit." 

Marx felt a joyous feeling resonating inside him. Dimentio really thought that? "Thank you, Dimentio. I should be going. Until next time!" Marx turned around and warped away. Dimentio stood there, watching his friend disappear. His first friend, who had grown so much. "Until next time...."

Mr. L crossed his arms. "Okay, he's awake. May I leave now?" Luigi shook his head. "Just say goodbye at least."

Dimentio turned around, to see Luigi, L, and Mario. "L, Luigi, Mario. I just want to say I'm so-" Luigi quickly ran up and hugged Dimentio, not letting him finish that sentence. "I am so proud of you!" Dimentio hesitated, before hugging Luigi back. "Thank you...for giving me a second chance I didn't deserve."

Dimentio looked behind Luigi and saw Mr. L standing next to the elevator with his arms crossed. He seemed eager to leave, not that Dimentio blamed him. He slowly let go of Luigi, and made his way over. "S-so, where are you gonna go now?" He asked Mr. L. He shrugged. "Away from here."

Dimentio looked down. "I see. Well, if you ever need me, just say the word and I'll be there." Mr. L rolled his eyes. "I don't need you." Dimentio nodded. "I know."

Mr. L turned around. He didn't want to spend another minute there. He just wanted to be alone. Alone was good. Alone was safe. "Goodbye Dim."

Dimentio slowly walked back towards Luigi. Luigi had a confused look on his face. "That's it?? I thought he was your best friend! You're just letting him leave??" Dimentio shrugged. "It's what he wants. I should respect his wishes."

Luigi looked Dimentio in the eye. "What if you never see him again? This may be your last chance to see him, your last chance to talk to him!"

Dimentio looked back at L. He was stepping into the elevator. Luigi placed a hand on Dimentio's shoulder. "Dimentio, it's now or never. If you let him go, I know you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

It's now or never. Dimentio briefly hesitated, before sprinting for the elevator. The doors were closing. "Wait! L! I have one more thing to say!" He stumbled as he ran. Ugh, stupid jelly legs. Right as the door was about to close, he stuck his hand in the way, causing the doors to open up again. Mr. L sighed. "What now?"

Dimentio hesitated for a moment. "L, before you leave, I have to tell you. I-" Mr. L crossed his arms. Dimentio looked into L's deep blue eyes. Now or never. "I love you."

With that, he quickly turned around and ran back towards Luigi. The elevator doors shut, leaving Mr. L with his thoughts.

Luigi and Mario eventually went home. Luigi offered to let Dimentio stay with them, but he refused. He knew Mario hated him, and for good reason. He was still the psychotic clown who almost ended all worlds. Nothing would change that.

About once a week, Marx would pick him up and they would meet with Jevil. They'd play games, talk, it felt kinda like a weird club. Jevil was happier than ever, being reunited with Seam, yet he was still crazy as ever. But then again, they were all crazy. Marx seemed to have forgiven Dimentio, for now. It was nice, getting to see them both. It almost made Dimentio a little jealous. How they both still had their magic. They both seemed generally happy, while he lived alone, spending every day regretting his past actions.

Once when Marx and Dimentio were waiting for Jevil, Dimentio looked over at the chest board. "What are you doing?" Marx asked him. He shrugged. "Nothing." Marx nodded. "Well, I'm gonna get cookies. We both know how much Jevil loves sweets." Dimentio nodded, as Marx went away.

He held his hand over the board, concentrating on the black Bishop.

It slowly moved forward.

Dimentio smiled, before relaxing again. 

"How interesting."

Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)Where stories live. Discover now