6. Surprise Visit(Amelia)

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I literally hear my own heart racing; our face is so close that I can smell his cologne. He much taller than me, I didn't realise because of my heels before. He finally moves his hand from the back of my head but taking me by surprise, he tucks in my hair behind my ear.

"You're able to walk now," he whispers, how can someone make these simple words sound so seductive. His breathing also increases as mine, I can see his chest rise every time he inhales.

"I... umm..." fuck what was the question? I can't keep my head straight, even though I try to look anywhere but those lips, which are very much close to mine, my eyes keep travelling back there. "The... pain wore off..." I bite down my lip as he keeps staring at it, he glides his thumb by the side of my lower lip making me release it from my own teeth. I can feel the heat under my skin as he leans in more, cold air tingles through my spine as I feel his breathing this time, my eyes go back and forth from his eyes to his lips. It feels like we've been like this for hours, everything around us is moving in slow motion, but anticipation rises when he brings lips closer to mine and reality hits had the moment his lips clash mine.

My body ignites in a way I couldn't imagine when his tongue finds mine, I can taste the hint of mint, he deepens our kiss as he cups my face with his large hands, and I bury my fingers in his hair. His hands move to my hips, and a moan escapes from my mouth as he pulls me closer, he slightly bends, brings his hands to the back of my thighs and lifts me, my body responds immediately by wrapping my legs around him and I feel him harden against me. Fuck, since when I could do that? I gently tug his hair, as he begins to kiss my neck.

"Fuck," he hisses against my skin, the sweet torture continues as he runs his tongue around my bare skin. I hear a horn honk outside; I try to push him away but he's too strong. The sound hits my ears again and this time he freezes for a second, then the realization hits him, and he lets me down. "That must be Burk," he grunts. Who is Burk? "My driver" he explains, noticing my confused face. I accompany him outside, but I grab his arm, trying to pull him back inside when I see who's here.

"We should go back inside..." I say softly as memories of two years ago clouds my head, he frowns and looks at the guy who steps out from his car. He shouldn't be here, why is he here? Who let in him here? I wouldn't even wish this kind of ex-boyfriend or guy in general in my enemy's life. My ex-boyfriend who tried to sexually abuse me, God know what would've happened if Alex didn't come in time, I shiver at the memory and Ian's eyes fill with... worry?

"Why what's wrong?" he runs his hand on my arm. I don't know, my dick ex is here, who tried to molest me. "Elizabeth, what wrong?" he stands in front of me as a human shield as Neil approaches us, the way he uses my middle name gives me a weird soothing feeling.

"Hey, Amelia..." even his voice makes every hair of my body stand in disgust, I brutally hold onto Ian's shirt, it might almost tear up.

"What do you want?" Ian growls, thank God he's here today, how the hell Neil came here anyway? He's not allowed in any of Carrington's premises.

"Who are you?" Neil snaps. Who is he? I don't know the man who just gave me the best kiss of my entire life.

"Her boyfriend," Ian snaps back. What the fuck! He pulls me to his side and kisses my forehead. Boyfriend? He couldn't come up with a better excuse? Who am I to complain? He's the one saving me from this pervert.

"You're her... boyfriend?" Neil's mouth drops, another car catches our attention, I think it's Burk this time because I don't recognise the driver. A tall man in a suit walks out of the car and stands beside Neil.

"Mm-hmm, you better leave. Burk will show you the way." Ian nods at Burk,

"Sir," Burk nods back, before I could see him leave, Ian places a hand on my back and leads me inside.

"You, okay?" he tries to find my eyes, and I nod. I'm afraid I might cry if I look at him. "I'm gonna need a little bit more than that Liz," he whispers. Oh God, Liz... My new nickname makes my heart melt instantly.

"I'm fine, can we go upstairs?" I plead. I don't want to stay down here, just in case if the pervert comes back, I won't even hear him anymore.

"Sure, lead the way..." he doesn't remove his hand as we walk upstairs to the balcony. The balcony has a beautiful view of the lake, we sit on the floor bedding, and I keep looking at the horizon. "You got a nice place here..." exhales.

"Yeah..." I don't know what else to say.

"Liz..." there's that name again.


"Who was that guy?" he asks, and I can't help but giggle.

"You don't want to know," I smile.

"Humour me," he gives a serious look

"My ex-boyfriend..." I exhale, I suddenly have the craving for hot chocolate... what the hell is wrong with me.

"I'm assuming he's not just any other ex," he raises an eyebrow. It's like he can see right through me and into my mind.

"Nope... he is not" I lean on the pillow beside me, and he gives a go-on-answer-the-question glare. "He tried to take advantage of me..." he gazes into my eyes, and I can tell he didn't quite understand it. "Not emotionally..." I shrug and his eyes have a hint of anger when understands.

"I know I should've punched that bastard on the face" he grits under his teeth, and I giggle.

"That's a lovely sound..." his eyes soften.

"Don't you need to leave?"

"I'll leave when you're not alone... is someone coming, or you really live alone here?" his eyes are full of concern.

"No... the caretaker's gonna come from the mansion, I normally stay there, I just come up here occasionally," I lower my back and almost lie down, and he sits more comfortably, "Well... as you're going to be here a while, you can grab anything you want from the bookshelf beside you, just hand me the 'Wuthering Heights' from the bottom shelf, the third book from the right." I point at the small shelf beside him and extend my hand, he gives me my book and takes a copy of "The Great Gatsby" for himself. I smile as I watch him read so attentively but I take off my eyes from him before he catches me red-handed, I continue to read my favourite book, I've lost count of how many times I've already read it. My eyes get tired earlier than usual, maybe because of the workload today, I don't want to sleep while Ian's here, it would be rude. But I can't help it, I close my eyes for a second but fail to open them again.

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