4. Cosmic Joke (Amelia)

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Oh, hell! I got the job. Guess my friends and Ocean eyes worked as a good luck charm, well Matthew did call gramps to ask about me, well gramps did play a role here but I'm still happy, I'll be free from the rude gossips of my family's business firm, Carrington Group of Companies, for a whole year. But what I'm supposed to do the rest of the day? I'm joining tomorrow, so, literally have nothing to do for the meanwhile, maybe you should go back to the bar and see if Ian comes, I tell myself, which is one of the stupid ideas that have ever come into my mind. Maybe I should go shopping with Sarah? I'm not sure if she's free though? But I also don't think she went out after last night, man even I didn't want to leave home this morning, witnessing Alex throwing a fit about the girl he met online has worn us out. I dial her number and patiently for her to answer.

"Hey, Amy!" thank God she answers.

"Hey... you free?"

"Yeah, I was just about to call you..." she sounds nervous

"What's wrong?" I frown.

"Alex has made home on my couch; he looks depressed as if his fiancé left him." She whines, and I giggle. "So, if you're up for it, you wanna go out? We could go shopping and Alex would tag along too," she asks.

"You know what? I love you!" I squeal. "I'll pick you guys up in twenty minutes, and make sure Alex doesn't look drunk. I can't imagine what he'll do if ever his real fiancé leaves him." I laugh.

"Oh, I really don't want to know, anyway I'll get ready. Bye!"

"Bye..." I hang up.

Good, God! Alex looks like shit. I look at Sarah and she gives me a what-I-am-supposed-to-do look.

"Alex, you good?" I look at him with soft eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just an idiot." He whines, I roll my eyes and start the car, I'm gonna fix him once we reach the mall. I turn on the radio and I guess what plays? Billie Eilish's Ocean Eyes! I flush and run my fingers on my forehead as I remember last nights' ocean eyes, I shake my head pushing back the memories.

"Who was that guy you were talking to last night?" Damn Sarah! I was just trying to avoid the thought.

"Umm... I actually have no idea, just a guy in a bar" I try to keep my eyes on the road without getting lost in his eyes. Damn, who is this guy?

"Mm-hmm" she teases.

"Amy came to the bar last night?" Alex widens his eyes and I look at Sarah through the rear-view mirror and we both burst into laughter.

"Yeah, she was there, and you kept calling her hot stuff" She chuckles.

"Wait, that was her?" he points at me.

"God, yes! Alex that was me, get over it" I roll my eyes. The whole drive Sarah and I try convincing Alex that his hot stuff yesterday was me. We practically drag Alex out of the car and I'm already tired of this tantrum.

"Okay, that's it, knock it off!" I yell and his eyes widen in confusion, "You've met a girl online, you guys slept together, and she stole your stuff the next morning, shit happened, I get it! But you have to get the fuck over it! If all of us got drunk every time shit happens then there wouldn't be a sober person around!" I finally exhale, I don't remember yelling like this outside the office, man I've only yelled in the office a hand full of times.

"Fine, man...chill." he touches my forehead with the back of his hand, "You, okay?" he chuckles, and I roll my eyes, at least he's back to normal. As we walk inside the department store, I look around from one spot to see if I like something.

Love You As It Hurtsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें