Mafia AU: Jin Mafia/Doctor x Artist Reader

Start from the beginning


Days went by since that incident and that girl is what Dr. Kim found out to be Y/N L/N. She's an art major who now goes to the Lachimola Mall to draw people who at times she asks to compensate her with food from the nearest café.
Ever since he knew about her, he's been keeping an eye on her or having his men do it while he's working on missions or during his shift at the hospital. Jackson was a bit intrigued as to why his friend Jin didn't go for her immediately. After all, who was she to keep him waiting on hours and having him and his men peel off their sleep masks for her.
It was enough for him.
"Just go get her man! Why are you hesitating!"
"Because my dear friend, if I did that's called kidnapping and I'm not in favor of doing such stuff myself." 
"Then ask her out! Or at least make the attempt to talk to her like you once did before!"
"Jackson. Jackson. I need to wait for the right time... and then I'll ask you to take her when all plans go awry."


"Ah, Dr. Kim? What are you doing here?" Y/N asks as she noticed this man several times he would be hiding behind corners stalking her. And even weirder is that she notices more of the men in all-black that she saw that one night more often, and it became crystal clear that Dr. Kim has something to do with these arrangements. And possibly killing the man she tried to save.
But if she gave up a hint that she was suspicious of him, she knew that she wouldn't be able to evade him easily.
"I'm just here to buy something before I go back to work. And also, Y/N..." Wait how did he know her name? "...with me?" He mumbles and she replied with "huh?"
"Did you not hear? I asked you if you wanted to go out with me."
"Ahhh..." She thinks she's doomed. "I'm sorry Dr. Kim. I already have a boyfriend." She lied and Jin knew that she was lying. But he pretended all along, "Oh I'm sorry about that. You will not have gotten to know a good man like me."
"Ummm... Yeah..." She said packing up her stuff.
"No please don't go. I'll go," he turns around to leave but before he does he embraces her into a hug.
Y/N was confused as to why he did that.
"Dr. Kim why are you-"
"I just needed one." As soon she pats down his back to comfort him, he stabs her shoulder with something that made her blackout.


"Ummm..." Y/N groaned as she slowly peered her eyes open and blinked several times to clear her vision.
"Wakey, wakey." She hear a deep echo and someone came by and said "Felix shut up!"
"Hey Soobin, Jin told us to watch out for her but she's slowly waking up. Come on he said for one of us to inform him when she does."
"There's no need." A familiar voice boomed. "You both may go. I'll see her for now." They both leave towards where he came from and he strides forth and bends himself over to view her constrained body pushing itself against the ropes that tied her down to a wooden chair.
"I don't know why you've got to make this difficult baby. I don't simply want you. I need you." 
"But I don't like you at all." He sighed but then came closer to her and whispered in her ear, "You don't need to like me. I'm okay with waiting on you to love me, but know that I won't let you go for no reason. You know too much anyway and I also don't plan on killing you anytime soon." Y/N waited silently. She was upset that this person, who's a doctor, kidnaps her and forces her to live a life submitting to his demands.
"If I don't love you then what will you do?" She asked. "Will you free me then?"
"Nope. I'll make you stay."  


It's been a few weeks since Y/N had been captured. She was shifted to her own room once she didn't fuss about it.
But she missed those days when she could be alone to herself, without being scrutinized and watched for her every step. Even when she fell, there was always him or someone who prevented her from receiving any bruises or scratches. At times risking themselves in the process of getting hurt to keep her safe. She admired the loyalty of these men, but it was more than suffocating. It was her first death. She didn't have the freedom to make herself be the artist she wanted to be.
Jin made a studio for her but she doesn't go.
"Why sweetly?" He asked her one day.
"If I make art in the studio, I want to be left completely alone. And not be watched at all."
"Ok. I'll arrange that. As long as you're happy staying here and safe I won't have a problem with you doing things on your own."
What she didn't know was that Jin always had her monitored with hidden cameras. Even in her bedroom and her own bathroom, he saw her raw beauty displayed without her permission. 
But he never attempted to take advantage of her while she was here as he wanted her to 'purely' love him without him having to corrupt her in any form.
But what he didn't know was that he never gave her an equal ground to love him on. If she were to consent, she also had to be able to say no without being punished.
And look where he brought her to- kidnapping, terrified night tremors and always she's on edge sleeping barely as she knew that she was being watched 24/7. It was too much for the young girl who was so used to having a mundane life- how she would love to go back to that state.
But now all she can do is compromise with this devil who said he 'loved' her.
But was it love if she never agreed to this?
Never agreed with him? Never agreed to be his?
She never did. Even when he had her, she would always look out expecting freedom. It pained him that she would be distant, mute and at times she'd faint due to the little food and sleep she had. He even considered her freedom, but he was afraid.
Others knew about his 'precious sweetheart' and they knew that if they had her hostage, Jin would do anything to protect her.
That's why he couldn't let her out but to be honest, if he cared less her life could've been much safer than what it has come to now.
He went to check on her and saw her frail lifeless state. Her once bubbly attitude and curvy figure that left him speechless and now she leaves him silenced for another reason.
He had enough of this. 
Bang! He broke through her door and took her into his arms, keeping her cuddled with more blankets. He asked his maids to make ox-bone soup so that Y/N won't die soon.
He fed her small spoons of this soup and she just swallowed. She didn't disobey him but she didn't act like herself. She didn't love  herself to live anymore. And that was soul-crushing for him.


It has been one year since Y/N had been in Jin's captivity. He made plans to take out his enemies, even at the cost of his own life. He had to make sure no one came for her once he'd released her.
He decided it was for the best that he lets her go and let her live her own life.
But what he didn't know was that Y/N was slowly recovering and she found herself having such feelings for Jin.
She at first believed it was impossible and that it had to be because of him forcing his love onto her.
But even when she tried to escape these thoughts, one thought that disturbed her is what would happen if he's gone.
And that's when she realized that what she was feeling for him had to be love. She loved him regardless of what he did to make her his.
She can't untangle herself from this idea of 'toxic love.'
She didn't want to for some reason.
It was probably her brain trying to cope up with the stress, but it didn't appear that way to her. She also wanted to be loved by him and found it difficult that he wasn't home that often.
Jin had one more group to go before he released his beloved from his captivity.
It was for her own good anyway. 


It took another nine months and Y/N didn't see him at all until one day, she heard a knock on the door and saw Jin bloodied and sweaty. He had a lot of wounds and pools of blood which drenched through the tied knots of clothes that acted as temporary bandages. Y/N hysterically carried him to the couch and asked the maids for the first aid. She undressed him and along with others they helped in bandaging and suturing up his wounds and even taking out bullets from his flesh and cleansed the gaping cavity they've left.
They were successful in doing this, despite not being doctors themselves, and they quickly wiped off the excess blood on Jin and towel bathed him all together.
It was a tiring process but Y/N doesn't regret it one bit. 
And she slept by his side until she heard him talk in his sleep, "I am sorry Y/N. You've suffered too long because of me and what I've done. I nearly made you lose two years of your life for me. You never needed to love me but seeing you not respond and not being happy with me crushed me even more. Now I only want you to be happy and if that means going away from me so be it."
In that moment, without thinking again Y/N passionately kissed Jin. He immediately woke  up to see Y/N's teary closed eyes and he sensed the touch of her lips on his.
He soon dove in and they both made out until Y/N backs herself away to breath before latching onto him, "Don't you say such things. I won't be happy unless it's being here with you. You took me for a reason and I'm staying for more. So you better love me because I'm not going to stop myself from loving you anymore." She cried into his shoulder and all he did was hug her. "What made you change your mind honey?"
"I thought long and hard," Y/N took a big breath in, "I thought about the little things you did for me, you may have taken me by force, but you didn't take advantage of me. I stayed because I thought about my life without you and realized I didn't like it at all. I wanted you to be here with me." 
"So... I did what I should've done a while ago... but being here with you it was my main priority. I'm gonna give up this dark life and continue doing good in the hospital."
"What about your own men?" Y/N asked.
"I'll take care of them and give them jobs that won't risk their livelihood and they'll be happier. I'll get their kids into better schools and other education opportunities, even if they wanted to go abroad they could."
"Okay." Y/N pecked his lips. "But let's go too."
"Why?" Jin asked her. 
"Dr. Kim, do you have no understanding as to what a couples do when they vacation out?"
"Why go do it abroad when we can do it over here?" Jin mischievously moved his brows to which Y/N bounced off him and said, "Get rest first. Take it easy then we will think about it later."

In short they lived a decent ever after. Not too happy or sad- it was all normal after Jin gave up his mafia life, gave his men new jobs and a new purpose. Even for his best man, Jackson, he married him to a beautiful girl named Amanda. At times Y/N and Jin would meet up with them and take turns doing babysitting gigs and eventually they spent family vacations together. 

The End.

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