The guest room was around here somewhere. She should've just listened to her dad when he asked her to. Then she wouldn't have been on a timeout in the nursery and all this wouldn't have happened.

Yoongles wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Tears streaming down her face had her vision a little blurry. So when a pair of legs was standing in front of her, she screeched, taking a step back. "Hey--"

"No, no, no-- daddy!" she cried, looking around as her chest heaved up and down. The man crouched before her. "Da--da--"

"Hey, you're Esther, right?" She took in the double breath children take in the midst of crying. She rubbed at her eyes. "It's me-- remember me?"


"No, I'm not daddy," he chuckled a little as he wiped her tears. "Hoseok, remember? We played tag with, what did you call him-- Chim?"

"Chim?" She looked around. "Hobi?" Hoseok smiled.

"That's me." She cried harder as he pulled her into a hug, letting her cry as he rubbed her back. "What happened-- isn't it past your bedtime?"


"Me?" he asked. "What about me, chickpea?"

"N-no," she cried and hiccupped, unable to control herself. He'd never seen a child cry this hard before.

"What happened?" he asked again. She pointed behind her.

"Ba--baby, Yo-- Yoo, fall and-- and, scary," she cried, pressing her face into his neck. He sighed.

"Did you have a bad dream?" She shook her head rapidly as Hoseok pulled away from her.

"No-- no-- Yoo--"

"Princess?" Jin sighed as he walked over. "Princess, you're supposed to be on a timeout-- what are you doing out here--"

She ran to him, sobbing and he frowned picking her up. She buried her face into his neck as she let out screams. "Princess?"

"I think she had a bad dream, hyung," Hoseok said, standing. "I don't really understand what she's saying."

"Did you have a bad dream, angel-- you weren't even sleeping though." She shook her head and cried. He wiped at her cheeks. "Hey, hey, don't cry-- tell me what happened."

"Yoo-- yoo-- baby, daddy, th--then fall and--" She swallowed and tried to breathe normally. "Fall and red and sca--scary, daddy." Hoseok frowned as Jin stared at his daughter.

"In the nursery?" he asked, having understood. She nodded and breathed staggered breaths.

Jin headed across the hall as Hoseok followed him, eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on?" Jin didnt respond as he walked into the nursery, freezing.

Hoseok walked right into his back before apologizing to peer over his shoulder. his eyes widened as well. Jin put his hand on the back of Esther's head and pushed her face into his neck. His princess had to see this?

"Hyung," Yoongi managed when he saw Jin. "The ba--baby--"

Hoseok ran over and pulled the baby prince out of his friend's arms. He rocked the crying baby as Jin and he stared at each other. "I--I'll get y/n--" Hoseok muttered.

Jin crouched down and looked at Yoongi's shoulder. Esther's crying had calmed down a little bit. "Yoongi," Jin sighed. "Are you--" He leaned down to look better. "Hold on," he whispered.

"Y/N," Yoongi groaned. "Get Y/N."


Jimin knocked while yawning. It was only a few moments before j/w's hand pulled back the curtain to see who was at the door. Jimin waved and she opened it. "Jimin," she sighed, letting him in.

He slipped off his shoes and walked in without a word J/W rolled her eyes and sighed as he plopped onto their couch. He looked around. "Where's Jeon?"

She smiled at him, shaking her head. "Hello to you too, Jimin." The man paid no attention to this. "He's at the palace-- well, he was heading there." Jimin pulled a face.

"What's he doing there?" she asked. "Isn't he supposed to be here with you-- so he sucks as a husband." J/W rolled her eyes.

"He's a lovely husband, for your information." Jimin gave her a small smile. "And he had some 'very important questions' about childbirth, he said." She laughed, shaking her head.

"So he left you at," Jimin checked the clock, "Ten-- almost eleven to go ask the prince about daddy shit?"

"You know how Koo is." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Speaking of the time, what are you doing here so late?" Jimin shrugged.

"I was bored." J/W nodded.

"You missed Jungkook." Jimin's eyes widened.

"I didn't miss him," he clarified. "I said I was bored."

"Did you want wine?" He nodded. "So you missed him because he wasn't at the palace today."

"I didn't miss him!" She poured him a glass. "I had a wonderful day without him, actually."

"Did you?" She handed him the glass before heading back into the kitchen for some lemonade for herself.

"I did." He took a sip. "Esther is there and we had a lovely tea party." J/W laughed as she sat on the armchair across from him, pulling her legs up in a criss-cross formation. He glanced at her stomach. "It's a boy for sure-- it's huge." She rolled her eyes and rubbed her stomach.

"It could very well be a girl." They both took a sip. "Oh, Esther's there? Is her father as well?"

"Yep, they're staying the night, I think." She nodded. "And that tea party-- guess who joined us?" She raised an eyebrow.


"The king." Her eyebrows shot up.

"You had a tea party with a three-year-old and the king?" Jimin chuckled, sloshing his wine around in the glass. "Wow, Jimin."

"Sick, huh?" She smiled. "He's not so bad, actually-- like, I thought the guy was really messed up and all from the rmours but he's really not that bad." J/W sighed.

"I know, he seems nice-- just a little reserved." Jimin nodded in agreement. "I wish people weren't so caught up in the old ways, you know? Yoongi's been a great king." Jimin shrugged.

"I don't really see the problem with a scar either." He shot up. "Did you hear about the duke thing?" She raised her eyebrows as she went to get more lemonade. "I can get it-- you shouldn't be standing up and down so much." She smiled.

"I've got it," she said with a sigh, hand on her stomach rubbing as she cramped a little. "More?" She gestured to his glass. He shook his head. "What happened with the duke?"

"The duke and y/n-- apparently she's had an affair with the duke." J/W scoffed.

"Yeah, right."

"I know." Jimin shrugged and leaned back into the couch. It's just worrying for y/n-- I think I might head to the castle after to see if she's alright."

"How did that rumour even spread; I mean-- the duke?"

"You're in love with the duke," Jimin pointed out. She rolled her eyes, sitting down as she groaned, a pain shooting through her lower back. "Maybe y/n is too."

"Well-- she had acted a little weird at the princess' baby shower a while back," she whispered. "But-- ah-- she's married to the king-- y/n would never." Jimin nodded slowly.

"J/W-- are you okay?" She nodded.

"I'm cramping is all." Jimin frowned as he sat on the edge of his seat, sitting up straight.

"Does that happen-- is that normal?"

She grabbed the couch and he stood, rushing over. "Jimin--"

"I'll-- I'll go run to your nurse," he said. "Really quickly--"

"Jimin," she tried to stand and he helped her. 

"J/W sit down-- I'll go get someone, okay? You look like you're in a lot of pain." She didn't move as she hunched over. "Fucking Jeon," he muttered under his breath as she held his arm.

"Jimin, I think my water broke." 

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