Chapter 12

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Anthony's P.O.V

It's seven o'clock and football practice finally ended. Practice doesn't usually run this late, but our coach made us stay longer. The play offs are three weeks away and our coach wants to make sure we are ready. 

I was in the locker room changing out of my sweaty clothes, when my best friend Matt came up to me and said "There's a party tonight at Cole's house. Are you coming?"

"What time does the party start?" I asked considering going. 

"It starts at eight."

The party starts in an hour. I should have plenty of time to go home and shower before I have to leave. 

I nodded my head and said "Sure. I'll go." 

I haven't been to a party since I started dating Emily. That means the last party I went to was the back-to-school party, which happened to be the night I knocked Kathleen up.

"I'm surprised you agreed to come Moore. Aren't you afraid your little girlfriend is going to get mad at you for going to a party?" Matt said teasing me.

Matt hates my girlfriend. He's always making little snide comments about her and our relationship. 

"Nope, because she's not going to find out that I'm going." I said smirking.

Emily hates parties, so I stopped going to them, but she can deal with me going to one party if she somehow finds out I went. She is out of town right now. She been away touring different colleges all week. She doesn't come back for another two days so the chances of her finding out I went to a party are slim to none. She picked the perfect time to go away especially with everything that's been going on. I've been so stressed out lately. The party will be a nice distraction for me. I need to get out of the house and have a little fun.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw that my mom was calling. I hit decline and put my phone back in my pocket. I wasn't about to answer the phone around Matt. I have no clue what my mom will say. I don't want to risk Matt overhearing our conversation, especially if my mom mentions Kathleen or the baby. I'm not ready to tell him yet. I still plan on keeping everything a secret for as long as I can. I felt my phone vibrate, it's probably my mom calling again.

"I got to go man. I'll see you tonight." I said as I grabbed my gym bag and quickly left the locker room.

My mom tried to call me again, but I ignored it. I'll deal with her when I get home, I thought to myself as I put the car in reverse and left school. It only took me a few minutes to get home. When I arrived at home, I parked my car in the driveway. I grabbed my bags and got out of my car. I walked up to the front door. I took out my house key and unlocked the door.

I stepped inside the house and yelled "Mom I'm home."

My mom appeared in the hallway, and she looked angry.

She crossed her arms and asked, "Why haven't you been answering my phone calls?"

"I was at practice. You know I can't answer my phone while I'm at practice" I lied.

Practice was already over by the time my mom started calling, but she doesn't need to know that. Plus, there's no way in hell I would admit to purposely ignoring her calls. She's clearly mad about something and the last thing I want is to end up making her madder. 

"So why were you calling? Did you need something?" I asked.

"Do you know where Kathleen is?" She questioned.

"No. She isn't here?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I was surprised.

I thought for sure Kathleen would have come back to the house by now. It's not like she has anywhere else to go. 

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