Chapter#16:The Plan Commences

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I woke up to Leo crying. I went to check on him. I then realized something I didn't know last night. I couldn't leave my children alone. Leo calmed down and went back to sleep. I went downstairs to the kitchen.
"THINK!"I said to myself.
Then I came across the note on the fridge.
"In case of an emergency."
My finger trailed down the list. I came across the name Nora with grandma in parentheses next to it.
"Bingo!" I cheered.
I grabbed the nearby phone and headed deeper into the house. I stopped for a second as I forgot how to use a phone. I typed the number into the phone. Nora immediately answered.
"Hello?"She asked.
"Is this Nora Wintergreen?"I asked.
"This is she; who am I talking to."
"Hi, sweetie-"
"I need your help."
"Where are you?"
"Kaite and Ian's house."
"Okay, I'm on my way."
She hung up, and a couple of seconds later, the doorbell rang. I screamed.
"Jerrica, it's me."
I heard on the other side of the door. I unlocked the door cautiously.
"Hi!" Mrs. Wintergreen said.
I hugged her, visibly shaken.
"What happened?"
"No, no, no, I have some questions for you," I said.
"Okay, come at me."
"Um, okay, you're not mortal?"
"Did you know my identity?"
"Why didn't you tell me about any of this?"
"Your parents made me agree to keep you safe."
"You didn't tell me anything about my life because you made a promise?"
"Oh my god!"
I left the kitchen and got a drink. I took a deep breath and took a sip from a mountain dew can. I headed back to the living room.
"Okay, my turn."Mrs.Wintergreen said once I got back.
"Okay? Go for it."I responded.
"What happened?"
I took a deep breath.
"Where do you want me to start?"
"The beginning."
I caught her up to speed.
"So Peter is back?" she asked.
"What?"She caught me off guard.
"H-He can't be."
She grabbed my wrist. I pulled away.
"Well, a version of him is."
"Well shit."
"Jerrica, let me see your wrists."
She grabbed my wrists. This was the first time I saw them unwrapped since I defeated Peter. My palm up to my elbow was jet black, with my veins highlighted with a neon amber. Weirdly my fingers were untouched. The darkness was slowly creeping up my elbow.
"How long? How long have you had this happening?"She asked.
"About two years-ish," I answered.
"This is your problem. If we want to get everyone safe and Peter completely gone." She continued."You have to destroy everything that has his essence."
"Oh...What will happen if I do this?"
"Everything will reset...but you know."
I felt the blood drain from my face.
"Can you take care of my kids until this is over?"
"Of course."
I hugged her and headed to the kid's room. I kissed each of them and left the letters at the edge of the cribs. I went back downstairs once again.
"Do you by chance know where Ezra is?" I asked.
"Yeah, he's in the castle."She responded.
"Okay, thank you."
I hugged her once again.
"Save my daughter."She whispered in my ear.
"I will, I promise."
I headed out toward an empty field.

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