Chapter#4:Day 1(Part 2)

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I soon came across a flowing river. I fell to my legs in front of the river. I saw my bloodied face in the reflection of the water. I began to use the water to clean my face off. I fell back against a tree stump. My hand hit nearby sand. I sighed before lifting my shirt to see black bruises covering my sides. The only thing I could hear was the rushing of water.
This rocked me to sleep like a baby. I woke up in a hospital room. I saw my limbs were handcuffed to the bed—a kid with black hair and glasses.
"Hello Miss, How are you feeling?" He said, turning to me.
"Okay," I answered.
His eyes were light blue.
"Can you unlock these?" I asked, gesturing at the handcuffs.
"No." He answered.
"Why not?"
"You're a part of the council; I don't know how stable you are."
He wrote some notes on his clipboard. There was some awkward silence that was only interrupted by the machine beeping.
"W-What's the council?" I asked.
"You don't know?" He answered.
"I-I don't even know my name."
"Geez, what happened to you?"
"I woke up not far from where you found me."
"So what is the council?"
"Our old governing system before Emily took over."
"E-Emily, what?"
"Harmlock, why?"
I began to panic, and flames began to come from my hands. My panic got worse. At first, the guy hands his back to me. Something made him turn around. Then my necklace began to glow under my shirt.
"Holy shit!"
He ran into another room. He came back into my room with keys and towels. He proceeded to put the fire out from my hands. Once things calmed, he unlocked the chains. He began to wrap my hands in ace bandages.
"What's the last thing you remember?" The boy asked.
"Nothing really," I answered.
"What about Emily?"
"I don't know exactly; I think we might have dated once."
"Try your best to remember."
I put my head into my hands. I managed to clear my mind.
"Emily." I thought to myself.
I was in a house; I saw myself crying. I had a black eye and was on a couch. A blonde girl walked into the room. She grabbed my hand.
"Hi, babe!" She said.
I  moved her hand away from me.
"Don't touch me!" I cried.
She then grabbed my throat and threw me against the couch.
"What did you just say?"
"That's what I thought."
Her eyes had a purple glow when she got mad. I was back in the hospital room.
"She-She was my ex-girlfriend. She was extremely abusive." I managed to get out.
He hugged me.
"You need to sleep." The boy explained.
"I never got your name."
He stopped at the doorway.
"Oh, right...My name is Ezra, Ezra Reynolds." He continued. "I will talk to you tomorrow."

13 Crowns: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now