Chapter#9: Day 6

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I woke up, still not able to move.
"Morning!" The boy said.
He quickly turned around, talking to a girl in the group.
"Morning!"I answered back.
Both of them quickly looked at me.
"What did you say?"The girl asked.
"Morning?"I repeated myself
I then began to cough. This caused me extreme pain.
"Fuck!" I screamed.
My voice was still soft because it took a lot from me. The boy and girl both sat next to my cot. Another person suddenly lifted my cot, so I was sitting up. I screamed from the pain. Once things calmed down, I saw myself for the first time. My right elbow was wrapped, and cuts were covering my arms. My abdomen was covered in cuts and bruises. My legs were both wrapped.
"W-what happened?" I questioned.
"We found you on the brink of death." The boy explained.
The guy who lifted my cot picked up a brown clipboard. He proceeded to hand it to the girl.
"Holy shit!"She continued. "Your issues include a shattered right elbow, a broken left wrist, Three broken ribs, and a stab wound in your lower abdomen." She continued. "Broken shin, Broken knee, and shattered ankle. This is all with your right leg. Finally, your nose is broken, and a gash on your head. "
"How are you alive?"The boy asked.
"I don't know," I responded.
"So, what's your name?"The girl questioned.
"I-I don't know."
"How don't you know?"
"Sorry about my sister!" The boy explained.
"It's fine!" I answered.
"I'm Alex." He continued. "That's my sister, Alice; over there is Brendan."
"Sup!"Brendan said.
"Nora and Carter are currently collecting supplies," Alex explained.
"Cool!" I answered.
"What's your story?"
"I woke up in the forest!"
"That's it?"
"That's the last thing I remember."
"You're allowed to stay here as long as you need!"
"Are you hungry?"
"I'm good...can I go back to bed?"
"Of course."
He got up and then put the cot down.
"Thank you for saving my life!" I said.
"I think you would have done the same."He responded.
I slowly drifted asleep like a feather in the wind. I was only woken by Alex giving me water. That night I had a nightmare. It was a night with everyone in the group. Then everyone except for me died. Then, I was face to face with a dark figure.
"You deserve this." The figure said.
I then was stabbed. I then was back at the campsites. I then saw Amber-colored flames come from my hand. I immediately freaked out and tried to put them out. Something drew me to put them on my right leg. When I wanted to scream, I silenced it using a blanket. I was out like a light.

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