Chapter #2: The Raid

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I was in the prison cell again. Peter walked into the room with a syringe.
"No!" I screamed.
My hands were forced apart, and Peter injected the syringe into my arm. I fell to my side in severe pain. I then woke up in a cold sweat.
"It's okay!" Ezra said.
He grabbed my arm, and I slowly laid back down. I rested my head on Ezra's chest. I was drifting asleep. BANG! The loud noise came from downstairs.
"Babe, I'm not crazy? Right?" I asked.
"I heard it too."
We both got up and headed out.
"Wait!" I said.
I kissed him.
"Get everyone else out of bed," Ezra demanded.
I headed to the nursery. A figure was standing over the cribs.
"Turn around now!" I demanded.
"Hello, your highness!" Emily said, turning around.
"Here in the flesh!"
She was holding Leo.
"Put him down now!"
"Ugh, fine!" She dropped Leo. "Whoops!"
"The young lovers know about each other tsk...tsk...This can't do!"Emily said.
I managed to catch Leo before he hit the ground.
"You got you happily ever after; you don't deserve that. If I don't get a happily ever after, NO ONE DOES!"
"You loved me once; you can love again."
She shot a power surge that threw both of us to the ground.
"Never, and News flash, sweetie!" She moved towards me. "I never loved you."
I put Leo back into his crib.
"You don't mean that! Peter is in your head." I offered my hand. "Come into the new safer world."
She then shot me with an energy beam that threw me to the ground.
"Goodbye, Jerrica!"
She shot a burst of energy. Everything went white.

13 Crowns: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now