chapter 7 (The Darkling)

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we didn't end up having dinner that night. By dinner time Alina was asleep on my chest as I held her close. My kefta was soaked with her tears. for hours she cried on my and for hours I held her close running my hand soothingly up and down her back. usually, I'd be annoyed at not having dinner but I found I was content to stay here holding Alina for as long as possible. For as long as she would let me. I never hoped. hope was foolish and would get you nowhere. but I found myself desperately clinging to the hope That when Alina woke up she wouldn't be so... cold, cut off, distant. I didn't think I could take it. saints, what had this girl done to me? I was the darkling, The starless, The general of the second army and now king of Ravka. I didn't mope around hoping. I went after what he wanted. And saints there was nothing I wanted more than Alina and I was going to have her one way or another.  just then she started waking up. I didn't want to startle her so I stayed still and quiet after a few seconds she looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and then she buried her face in my neck and started sobbing all over. I didn't know what this meant but it was progress so I sat there with her until she composed herself. Alina looked up at me again and said something I never thought I would hear her say - Is the offer to make me queen still on the table? 

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