In an alternate universe, Texas is the largest state

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Florida: Guess what, god is dead and I killed him.
Texas: That can't be true.
Texas: Cali is right here.
Cali: *blushes*

Alaska: I don't fear anything.
Texas: What if I was bigger than you?
Alaska: I fear one thing.

Texas: I should tell California to stop-
Cali: *Singing in the shower*
Texas, listening: He can continue.

Texas, hugging Cali: I need cuddles now, you liberal scum!

Alabama: Biggest fear? Go!
Indiana: Being alone.
Alabama: Aww baby come here. *kisses Indiana*
Ohio: Mines bananas, but now it sounds stupid and I'll just leave. *Starts to leave*
Alabama: Wait- I wanna know why you're scared of bananas?!

Texas, angry: >:/
Cali: Do you want kisses?
Texas: :3

Texas: If those libtards don't like it here they need to leave!
Texas: Except for California, Cali can stay.

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