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Me:Welp...I'm here with...nobody,as of now.Maybe as I go along I can get some people to join me,you know,besides the Ninja.*snaps,causing the Ninja to appear in front of me*

The Ninja:*looking around* :O

Me:Eheheheheheheh.....anyway.I figured that since this is my first chapter or blog or whatever,I might as well answer some questions.*turns to the Ninja*Ask away!

Cole-1:What's your real name...because it isn't Blaize.

Me:*stiffins*If you must know,my name is Candice.Say anything,and I swear-I'll kill you.


Me:Fourteen,turning fifteen in September.




Me:*sighs*I'm short...I'm only like,5"2...

Cole:5-Which one of us is your favorite?

Me:^-^ You are.

Cole: :)

Kai:6-As of now,who's your least favorite...?


Jay:7-Awww...why? D:

Me:Do you really want me to name off the reasons?Let's see...almost beat up Cole once,did beat him up once,lied to Nya about yourself,and you asked my weight-WHICH IS A DEATH WISH!*squeaks and hides in da corner*

Zane:7-What's your personality type?

Me:Hmm...well,I'm nerdy,pastel goth,hopeless romantic,and a pinch of derp. :3


Me:Les see...not gonna say their real names,just their character ones.Lyra,Alice,Raven,and Kristal. might even bring them in a moment.^-^

Kai:9-Got any cute friends that like me?*eyebrow waggle*

Me:*facepalms*Okay,bringing in my friends now.*snaps and my friends all in appear in a line*

Kristal:OH MY GAWD IT'S THEM!!!*pets Kai's hair*

Kai: :P

Me:*pats her on the back*Breathe...

Lyra:*brushes white hair from her eyes*Wow!Holy crap...!

Alice:Oh.*adjusts her Pikachau hoodie*So you're the people Blaize obsesses over.

Raven:Dude...*points at Cole*Isn't he the one you-

Me:SHUDDAP O///O *tackles*

Raven:OW!Get off of me!!

Me:*pinning her down with one hand*Haha...NOPE.Anyway...I'm gonna go ahead and leave on this note before someone gets killed.Don't forget to leave dares and questions and all that good stuff in the comments,and until then,keep da fire!



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