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I felt frozen and numb. Like I wanted to move, but my mind prevented me from it. This must be what if feels like to be in shock. It feels like a dream or rather a nightmare.

"I can't let you take that to Olympus." Says Luke as he charges towards Percy.

I, by instinct, grab the sword out of my bag and stand in front of Percy. I hold my sword in front of me, standing my ground.

"Stella, get out of my way." Says Luke.

"You'll have to kill me before getting that bolt, traitor." As I say this, his face turns cold.

I guess the part of being in shock is over. I'm angry now.

"It doesn't have to be this way." He says.

"No, it does." I say as I strike my sword at him and he blocks it.

"I'm not fighting you!" He yells.

I keep on striking him with my sword and missing. I feel so blinded by anger and betrayal. I manage to cut his arm with my sword. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I try to strike him again, but he moves out of the way causing me to fall to the ground.

He flys over to Percy and tries to take the bolt, but Percy passes it to Annabeth.

"Give me the bolt, Annie." Says Luke, taunting her.

"Gods no." She says as she tries to run away, but Luke is faster.

He manages to knock her over, but she passes the bolt to me.

"Stella! Don't let him have it!" She yells.

Luke looks up at me with a sorry look in his eyes.

"How could you?" I ask as my voice breaks.

"What?" He says.

"How could you? After everything you said to me! After everything I told you!" I say with tears in my eyes.

"Join me, you'll understand. We could be together." He says.

"This isn't you!" I say.

"No, this is. And this is you, too. Stella, we are meant to be together and rule Olympus." He says, sounding delusional.

I shake my head. This can't be happening. Things were going good for me, of course it has to end this way.

"No, Luke." I say while tears stream down my face.

"Stella, I love you." When he says this, he catches me off guard.

I look at him shocked. I can't even tell whats happening until I see him flying towards me and he grabs the bolt out of my hand.

"No!" I scream.

He laughs while looking at the bolt. He has been lying to me this whole time. He doesn't care about me. He has been using me.

"Why do you want to start a war between the gods?" Asks Percy as he grabs my hand and pulls me behind him.

"Control! They have been in power for too long!" He says while holding the bolt, looking so proud.

I feel like I'm being numbed by all this anger. My heart is beating so fast.

"I won't let you!" Yells Percy as he starts to fly up in the air, he put the flying shoes on.

Percy leaps at Luke and tackles him down the side of the building.

"Percy!" We all scream.

"Luke!" I add.

I don't know why I care. He doesn't care about me. I remind myself.

I feel Annabeth's hand on my shoulder and look over to her.

"How could I have been so stupid!" I say.

"Don't blame yourself. Luke had us all fooled."

"No, but I should've known. I should've stopped him." I say wiping tears off my face.

"You still can." Says Annabeth. "Go help Percy."

"How? I don't even know where they are?"

"You can shadow travel, Stella. You did it in camp and you can do it again. Just think of being with Percy and you will." She says.

"Okay." I say as I think about Percy.

It didn't work.

"Why isn't it working?" I say.

"Think of Luke. Its obvious your feelings for him are stronger." She says.

I think of Luke and open my eyes. I see both Percy and Luke fighting. Luke looks like he is about to blast Percy with the bolt.

"No!" I scream as I jump in front of Percy.

Ow. Lightning does not feel good. I get hit and feel my head hit the ground.

"Stella! No!" I hear Percy yell.

I also hear this ringing in my ears, its hard to focus.

"Why would you do that?" He says.

"I'll be okay. Just a little lightning." I say as I shake my head and try to get up.

"You did this!" Percy yells at Luke.

"No, I didn't know she would be here!" Yells Luke, his voice full of sadness and regret.

All of a sudden, the water tower on the roof breaks open. Water comes flowing towards Percy and the looks on Luke's face made me smile.

"Your done, Luke." He says as he starts hitting him with water.

Eventually, Luke drops the bolt, but Percy doesn't notice. I can barely walk, but I start to crawl towards the bolt. Its inches away.

"Stella! Look out!" Percy yells as Luke holds his sword to my throat.

I look up at him.

"Give up, Luke. You can't win." I say softly, seeing as I'm still in pain.

"I can't, Stella. I can't let you do this."

"Is this about your dad? Your doing this cause you want revenge?" I ask.

He turns his face to me and tries not to flinch at the mention of his father.

"How was your dad? Huh? I bet he isn't exactly father of the year." He says out of anger.

"You shouldn't of brought him up." I say as I start to get lifted off my feet by myself. Am I flying?

I look down to see myself like 3 feet off the ground. I can't help but laugh a little cause this is pretty amazing. I grab the bolt from the ground while Luke is distracted by the fact that I am flying.

He realizes and tries to take it, but is too late.

"You said nothing could change the way you feel about me!" He yells, desperate for me to actually listen.

"Then, I guess we're both liars." I say.

Then, Percy seems to have made a trident out of water and throws it at Luke. Luke goes flying off the building and ends up in the water.

I run to the edge and watch him. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Goodbye, Luke." I croak out as I start to cry.