Life After Death

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After all of this, the hardest part happens; moving forward. The cleanup begins, and people slowly begin returning to their families and their lives to before all of this happened. But for some of us, moving forward means learning to miss someone’s presence, permanently.
I hadn’t gotten around or the courage to face Bucky again. I knew he was still my soulmate, but with Tony now gone, it just didn’t feel right to see the world full of life and color again. Not yet at least. Because of this, I had many sleepless nights while staying with Steve. Pepper was gracious enough to put both of us up for the time being at her place, seeing as we were both staying at the complex before and that was long gone. I'm helped her little girl to have a familiar face around too, since I had been so lucky to be with them so much recently.

After tossing and turning yet another night, I finally got out of bed and walked out of the house and onto the front porch, looking out at the full moon’s reflection hitting the lake.
“Can’t sleep either, eh?” I jump at the sound of a soft voice and turn to see Steve. After calming my heart rate down from the jump scare, I slowly shake my head no. He offers his arms open to me as I go to the bench he is sitting on, and he pulls me onto his lap. I rest my head against his shoulder and neck as I curl into him and we sit there quietly for a moment.
“Do you remember what I said to Natasha, before all of this started happening?” He questions. I pause for a moment, trying to understand at what point he is referring to. “That we need to move on. Get on with our lives.” He adds. I stay silent but acknowledge what he has said.
“I think we’ve all earned our turn to rest.” He says as he rubs my arm with his hand. “After Tony’s funeral tomorrow, I’m going to put the stones back. But I won’t be coming back.” I quickly pull away from him and look at him, worry and fear in my eyes. “I don’t mean like that.” He quickly calms me down.
“When I go back, I’ll return the stones, but I intend to stay there and live out my life. You and I have had our time together, our life together, however brief. I will always remember that, and it will always be important to me.” He stares directly into my eyes, and I admire how much bluer his eyes are. The only color I’ve seen for years.
“Now it’s time for both of us to go be with our true soulmates.” He says as I lean my head down to rest my forehead against his. We stay there for a long time, not saying anything. I think that tears will come but they never do. We just sit quietly together, enjoying each other for one final night.
The next morning was one of the hardest I have faced since everyone disappeared. Tony’s funeral and known only to me, the day I say goodbye to Steve for good. This Steve, that I know. We watch the hologram message from Tony, and I can see tears coming from most people as he comments on this being the superhero life. As Pepper walks out of the house with their daughter, we follow in a procession. Instead of standing with Steve, I choose to stay by Wanda. Her and Clint lost people too, and I tried my best to show how much I missed them too.
For the time being, I avoid Bucky’s eyes. I know it needs to happen, and we need to talk about it all, but now is not the time. As we all stand together, I stand on Wanda’s right side as Bucky and Sam stand on her left. As the flower wreath and his “heart” begin to float away, I see in the corner of my eye Sam put a hand on Bucky’s back for comfort, and I link my arm through Wanda’s free arm. I stand solemnly and realize that this is the last time we’ll all be together. All my team, my friends, are going to split and go about their new lives after this. I feel saddened by this, but I also know that this is what we fought for. What people died for. To create new lives, and actually live.
“Remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got’em or you’re gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.” Bruce says to Steve, handing him the briefcase of stones.
“Don’t worry Bruce. Clip all the branches.” Steve responds.
“You know I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back. I miss her man.” Bruce says sadly as he looks at Steve. “Me too.” Steve responds. 
“You know, if you want, I could come with you.” Sam says as Steve heads over to the pad. Steve stops and smiles at Sam. “You’re a good man, Sam. This one’s on me though.” He adds.
Bucky looks at Steve, unsure of what to do, as I stand beside him. “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.” Steve happily jokes with Bucky. Bucky smiles and then responds, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” The two embrace for a big hug and Bucky looks down.
“Gonna miss you, buddy.” Bucky adds. It startles me a little, because I didn’t really realize that Steve would have told Bucky. But then I realize how stupid that sounds; of course he told Bucky.
“It’s gonna be okay, Buck.” Steve assures him. He looks at me and smiles, then looks back at Bucky. “You’re in good hands.” He says quietly to us and then walks onto the pad. We both watch Steve as Bruce and Sam have a quick discussion. As Steve begins to vanish, I reach over for Bucky’s hand, and intertwine my fingers with his. He looks at me and I finally meet his eyes.
Just like before, the world becomes bright with colors again, although this time it’s gradual and gentle. As I hear Bruce counting down the time to return, I know what is going to happen next. I smile at Bucky, and he smiles back as it takes just a few seconds for Bruce and Sam to realize that Steve isn’t back. As Sam starts to freak out at Bruce, I point my head towards the lake and Bucky turns.
“Sam.” Bucky calls to him as we spot someone sitting on a bench, looking out at the lake. All three of us walk towards the man, but then stop a ways a way. “Go ahead.” Bucky says to Sam, as he stays with me, giving my hand a soft squeeze. He gives Sam a reassuring smile as he walks over to Steve.
The two have a talk and I know that Steve is telling him what he had planned, and then goes to give Sam the shield. Sam looks back at us, uncertain. I turn to Bucky and see him nod in approval to Sam. Sam takes the shield, thanking Steve and telling him he’ll do his best. When Steve takes Sam’s outstretched hand, he makes a motion towards the ring and asks if Steve will tell him about her. Steve laughs and looks off in the distance, lost in a memory and responds, “No, no I don’t think I will.” I smile at the idea of Steve being happy and dancing finally with his love. As I do, I feel Bucky slip his hand out of mine and put it around me shoulders so he can draw me in closer. I place my arm around him at his side and we look off into the distance; the start of our new life truly begins now.

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