Meant To Live

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Every day, Bucky and I went through the same routine. We would meet on the training field and practice our skills, respectively; we would tour the city; we would help Nikia in the lab. Eventually, Bucky got the approval to stay with me on a permanent basis. They moved in what few things he had, and we were able to spend all our free time together.
We got to talk, a lot. I learned all of his history, and him mine. We held no secrets from each other and took things in their own time. But things just tended to come naturally to us. It was easy to talk to him, to open up to him about everything. I had never shared a bond so close with someone before. And the funniest part of it all, was that we were able to share all our updates with our best friend – who just happened to be the same person.

One morning as Bucky and I began to head out to the training field, T’Challah stopped us.
“I must speak with you both, immediately.” Bucky and I glanced at each other, concerned. We followed T’Challah into a big room that he held council in, and he told us what had been going on the outside world. It appears our friends were not having as good of a time as we had been. A new enemy was coming and this one had a stronger guarantee of ending the world than the others. Today, the team would be arriving to discuss our next plan of action.
Once the meeting was over, Bucky and I quickly left back to our room and changed into our gear. I put on the new suit that I had been given and he suited up in the leather jacket I had seen him wear a handful of times.
We met T’Challah, Okoye and the rest of the warriors outside of the building on the landing pad as a plane began to touch down.
We wait a little distance away while T’Challah greets them and begins to lead them inside. Ican overhear Steve asking how many they will have for this attack coming as they draw nearer. He speaks of the armies he has, then adds with a motion to us, “and you will also have…”. Bucky responds in kind “A semi-stable 100-year-old man.”
“And an old friend.” I add in, winking at Steve. Steve walks over to us and gives us both huge hugs. I can’t remember how long it has been since we’ve been together. I’m sorry that it had to be like this, in the middle of another war, but I am so happy to see him again. To see all of them again.
“How have you been Buck?” Steve asks
“Uh, not bad,” he glances at me and smiles. Then turns back to Steve and says, “for the end of the world.” Steve smiles at him and then at me. I smile back in answer to his same question to assure him I’m doing just fine as well. Wanda walks up behind Steve, and her face light up a little. I can tell she is very worried, but she is happy to see me again. I give her a hug, trying to tell her it’s okay, even if I’m not sure of that myself. The group then continues inside except for Sam, who waits outside with me and Bucky.

It seems like they are not inside long talking when the things start appearing the sky. Falcon quickly radios, “Captain, we have a situation out here”. A giant flaming meteor comes down aiming right for the city, but then crashes and crumbles against the shield around it.
“God, I love this place.” Bucky says in awe as he stares up at the now visible barrier.
Then we hear War Machine on the intercom, “Yeah don’t’ celebrate yet guys. We got more incoming outside the dome.” The ground shakes violently as more of these meteors strike the ground just outside of the barrier. The team reappears and movement happens around us, the warriors move into place. We all board a transport and head to the border where the things landed.

Once we reach the area, we wait as Captain America, Black Panther and Black Widow walk to the border to talk with the enemy. I feel my stomach twisting into knots because I know this is going to be a bad battle, and I just hope I’m ready. I look over to Bucky, who gives me as reassuring of a smile as he can. With him by my side, and my friends here with us now, I will fight harder than ever before, I promise myself that.
Steve walks back towards the line of armies and Bucky asks, “Did they surrender?”
“Not exactly.” He responds. The Wakandan’s begin their chant as we all prepare ourselves for what is to come. As the trees shake and the ground rumbles, we finally see the troops we will be facing.
“What the hell.” Bucky swears to me and Steve.
“Looks like we pissed her off.” I hear Natasha comment. The alien army quickly collides with the barrier as they try to force their way through. We watch as the aliens kill themselves as they try to get through, but then some begin to get through intact and begin their assault on us. The Wakandan’s put up their shields while those with long range weapons begin attacking. Bucky pulls his gun out and begins shooting while I bring me hands up, cooling the air around them and throwing sharp ice daggers at them.

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