Chaos Reigns

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Once Rocket, Bruce and Tony get the glove created and it’s ready for use, the hard part happens; deciding who will wear it. Thor begins to beg to use it, he wants to do something right. Tony keeps trying to reason with him, until Bruce speaks up.
“It has to be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos.  They almost killed him. None of you could survive.” Bruce says as he walks over to the glove.
“How do we know you will?” Steve questions.
“We don’t.” Bruce answers. “But the radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like…I was made for this.” He says with finality. We realize we can’t argue with this logic, as much as we don’t want any of us to have to go through this.
“Now remember, we’re just brining everyone that has snapped away 5 years ago to today, right now. Don’t change anything over the last five years.” Tony states. Bruce nods in understanding. Then we all prepare for what will happen. We all are in our Avenger gear and I stand right beside Steve. I prepare to put up an ice shield, but he wants me behind his own shield as a secondary, just in case. Tony activates the whole building to shut down as a precaution and Bruce says, “Everyone comes home.”
He puts on the glove and he is visibly struggling with the power as it courses through him. Thor tells him to take it off, but Steve tells him to wait. Tony asks if he’s okay and Bruce finally acknowledges that he’s got this. After some deep breaths, he finally holds the glove up and snaps. Then the glove falls off, smoking and Bruce collapses on the floor. Tony and I run to his side to quickly ice the damage on his arm, trying to keep the pain to a minimum for him. Bruce takes his other arm to grab Steve’s outstretched one once he's close enough, questioning if it worked. Steve begins to say we don’t know, but I look up and notice Scott walking towards the window to look at the birds chirping. Then Clint turns as he hears his phone vibrating on the desk. The one only his family called.

I begin to smile, realizing it may have worked. Scott says something similar, and then the explosion happens. The building crumbles around us and some of us are flung deep into the building.
I somehow find myself on the same level as Clint, and I hear him grunt and groan as he makes his way back onto his feet. He turns and sees me and helps me, and I let out some deep coughs from all the dust I inhaled on the way down. As soon as I am up, trying to take some clean breaths, he turns on his flashlight and shines it upwards. Then he shines it down the tunnels until he spots the glove. As soon as he does, we hear a low growl behind us. I turn slowly as he brings his bow up, an arrow quickly strung. He lets it loose down the one tunnel and it reveals aliens crowding in the tunnel. We both turn and as he grabs the glove, we run as fast as we’re able down the opposite way.

I am sure there is chaos and a battle happening all around us, but right now Clint and I can only focus on the things behind us. We run through water in the red lit tunnel as I try my best to throw some ice daggers back every now and again to try to slow them down. But I can’t give it much of a throw without stopping and turning around; which is obviously not an option.
“I have an idea.” Clint yells to me. He reaches back towards his arrows and throws one to the side. He doesn’t say anything but within moments a huge explosion happens behind us, throwing us both forward. As we land and look behind us, we see most of the alien’s dead in the fire. But some break through the pile of dead comrades and Clint quickly launches another arrow up, this one including a wire to pull us up.  He quickly shows the glove in my hand, grabs me around the waist, and we are hoisted straight up. We land aggressively on the metal floor, and lay there for a moment, confirming that the monsters are not following us.
Then Nebula appears and walks over to Clint. “Hey, I know you.” He says as she takes the glove that had escaped my grip, Clint slowly making his way to his feet.
“Father, I have the stones.” She says into an earpiece. Of course, something had to go wrong, I scold myself for dropping it. She takes aim at Clint, but then I hear another voice. Gamora appears, raising a gun to this Nebula. As a second Nebula appears next to Gamora and they begin talking, Clint quietly rolls away towards me and is crouching next to where I am getting myself up off the ground.
Yeah, time stuff can get reeeeally confusing.
Before we realize what just happened, our Nebula shoots the past one, and it’s over.

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