Sunrise Sunset

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“Stay with Wanda!” Sam yells as he flies off, following the Captains command. Wanda is concentrating all her powers and energy on getting the noxious gas out of the building and dissipating it into the air. I nod my head in acknowledgement and see the rest of the team run off in pursuit of their targets. I turn to Wanda to check on her and I can see the strain on her face, but I know she has this. Her powers had gotten so much stronger since joining and he control was unbelievable.
As I watch her finally finish, I watch her try to rest quickly. When she turns to me, I give her a questioning look of if she’s ready to go. She nods and we both take off on foot to where the battle has resumed with our team.
But the time we arrive in the plaza where things have stopped, the worst is about to happen. Rumlow has activates a trigger to blow up Steve and most of the civilians around him. Thinking fast Wanda closes the explosion with her magic around Rumlow just as it detonates and tries her best to hold it in place. I can see her struggling. She’s used so much power already, I don’t know if she can keep it up.
“Wanda…” I say softly. She grunts and tries to throw Rumlow into the air, but she can’t contain it any longer and the explosion releases right next to a tower, destroying several floors and lives. No one can believe their eyes, as they stare in shock. I hear Steve call for Sam, fire and rescue, and Wanda can only stare in horror. She puts her hand over her mouth in disbelief. I put a hand on her shoulder as I stare up at the destruction, knowing it’s probably not much comfort.
“it’s okay Wanda…it’s okay…” I whisper. I know that it’s not okay. But what could she do? She was already trying her best to save Steve and the people around us. She had already used so much of her power. What more could they ask of her? At least, that was my thought.
As we all head back to headquarters, I sit with Wanda on her bed in her room.
Even I wouldn’t have guessed how close we would have gotten over the last several months. But somehow, we just kind of clicked. Her abilities, although vastly different from mine, worked very similar in terms of just how it felt when we used them. That little tug in our gut and feeling the power run through us. She had been a huge help to me in really practicing and harnessing my skills; as well as being a wonderful friend.

And here I was now, attempting to console her as the tv news berates her for what happened.
The tv clicks off and Steve is standing in the doorway.
“It’s my fault” Wanda says without looking at him.
“That’s not true” Steve replies as he leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest. I could tell from his face that he was just as upset as she was.
“Turn the TV back on. They’re being very specific.” Wanda looks directly at Steve now.
“I should have clocked that bomb vest long before you had to deal with it.” Steve replies and walks towards both of us.
“Rumlow said Bucky…” Steve begins. “And all of a sudden I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn.” Steve continues as he comes to stand in front of us. “And people died.” He pauses then finishes, “It’s on me.”
Hearing his name made my heart skip a beat. It always did. I silently scolded myself. Not to say I shouldn't have emotions, but this one wasn't helpful. If even Steve froze, I'd probably do worse unless I could fight these feelings down. I could never risk anyone on my team being hurt, not for anyone.
“This job, we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody. But if we can’t find a way to live with that then next time, maybe nobody gets saved.” What a rousing speech by the Captain, as always. 
Then we all jump startled as we hear a strange noise and Vision is there, dissolving through the wall.
“Vis, we talked about this.” Wanda turns to him.
“Yes, but the door was open, so I assumed that…” he pauses as I laugh a little. When I finally quiet myself, he continues to say, “Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving.”
“Thank you, we’ll be right down.” Steve says.
“Our very strength initiates violence. Challenge incites conflict” Vision explains as they all discuss the Sokovia Accords. What complete and utter crap this is, at least in my opinion. This is going to tear the team apart, and then what will the world do? Vision continues talking and I tune out most of it, but then I hear Tony speak up, “Boy you know me so well.” He talks what seems like nonsense and off topic, then gets to his point, talking about kid that was killed in the Sokovia attack.
“We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes I’m game” Tony says with finality. I can see how riddled with guilt he is. I'm not saying we shouldn't feel guilty over the destruction we cause. But we're also doing that saving the world. How many more lives would be most of we hadn't done a thing?
“Tony you shouldn’t let your guilt guide your decision making here. You’re making it too personal.” I try to speak up.
“No, you’re not making it personal enough. None of us ever take the time to think about the lives that are lost. And you, you’re not even a real member yet so you don’t get a say in this. You’re not a part of this agreement since you're not a part of this team.” Tony barks at me, keeping his tone in check but I can hear the anger in his voice. I look at him, wide eyed, unbelieving that he would say that to me. One of the people who worked so hard to protect me when I first joined. Now here I was, being thrown aside as if I was nothing. I glare at him and want to fight back, but I bite my tongue. 
“Tony that was uncalled for.” Wanda speaks up to defend me.
“Yeah that was out of line.” Steve tries to add, but Tony continues, ignoring both.
“If we are boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.”
“Tony, if someone dies on your watch, you don’t give up.” Steve argues
“Who said we’re giving up?”
“We are if we’re not taking responsibilities for our actions. This document just shifts the blame.”
The argument continues back and forth between them all. Natasha weighs in then Sam and round and round. I sit silently, seething with more anger than I've felt in a long time. I didn't hate Tony. I couldn't. But right now, I did not want to be around him.

Then Steve looks at his phone and says he must go, leaving without another word. I feel a small touch on my hand, and I turn away from Steve to see Wanda. She doesn’t say anything, but I can tell her eyes are asking me if I’m okay. I try to give her a reassuring smile, but I can tell it’s a weak one and not effective at all. She is about to say something, but I shake my head. Instead I get up and follow Steve, happy for the excuse to get out of that room and away from everyone.
After Peggy's funeral in London, Nat says her goodbye to Steve as she readies to head to Vienna for the accords. Meanwhile, Steve, Sam and I walk Sharon back to the hotel. Turns out she was related to Peggy. Which I guess would explain the closeness I noticed between Steve and her.
I follow Sam to the lobby bar to let the other two talk in private for a moment. But then the news flashes a special alert, and Sam and I look at each other once we read it. Sam runs to Steve and says he needs to watch this. We all hurry up to our hotel room and turn it on to see the explosion that just happened at the building where the accords we're. Sharon is on the phone pacing back and forth while the three of us watch everything unfold. They state that the King of Wakanda has been killed and there are many casualties. Then they show an image of who they believe is the culprit, and they name it as the winter soldier. I bite my lip hard, unsure of what I should be feeling. I glance at Steve and see his emotions tossing inside him too.
“We need to go.” Steve says. I nod and gather our things to get ready to leave for Vienna

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