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After several hours of work, I finish my last task and look to Nikia, ready to ask for what is next. Instead, she just looks at me, observing my face. Before I can ask her what, she says, "Okoye and T'Challah said that you have been putting in much work and have shown great improvements." She compliments me. I'm not sure where this is going.
"And I have noticed the work you have done here. The king has deemed you worthy to receive another gift from us. With my suggestion, of course." I begin to protest but she interrupts, "Ah! King's orders."
With that, she walks over to a briefcase that is sitting on a table and opens it to reveal its contents. Inside lays a specialized armor suit in black with bright blue running through it. I walk over to it and stare at the suit. I hover my hand over it, scared to even touch it.
"Are you going to try it out, or not?" Nikia questions. In moments, I adorn the suit and it fits me perfectly. "Vibranium, very similar to T'Challah's." I hear her say as I turn in circles to examine everything. "Although this one works very different. This suit will better distribute your power, as to allow you to not expend so much so quickly. It will also enable you to cool the air and water faster and to a deeper temperature, boosting your abilities."
I am overwhelmed. I did not expect this, ask for this, or feel worthy of this. I look at Nikia, certain my face shows it all.
"T'Challah, Okoye and I have heard of what all of you did during the so-called Civil War. And we have been observing everything you have done here. It was an easy decision to decide to give you this." Was all she said with a shrug, as if it was nothing.

I have no words to even begin to thank her. To thank them for everything they had done. All I could do was make my way back to room, remove the suit, and stare in wonder at it. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I finally walk over to the window of my room. I had been graced with a room in a high building, so I was able to observe the beauty of this country at any time of day. As I look around, I see a small glimmer in the distance, from what appears to be a fire.
I walk closer to the window and put my hand to it, as if I can reach through it right to that spot. That must be where Okoye and Bucky were. The final test for Bucky. If he passed, then he's truly free. With that pleasant thought, I finish the usual nighttime routine and lay in bed, facing out the window. I dream of seeing him again, hoping that this works so he no longer has to fear himself.
I woke at my usual early time and got myself ready. Then I looked at the item I had been gifted and decided that for training today, I should get used to the suit. I quickly put it on and then head out to where I typically have my training. I see Okoye there again, but she shows no emotion that would tell me if things went well last night.
"The armor suits you." She comments. I smile wide at her. "Now, we will test it out." And off we go again. She attacks me with her spear, using all of her specialized skills. She is way faster and stronger than me. But this suit is incredible. It really does make my power ready faster and I am able to continue much longer than in past days. Once she is satisfied, Okoye stops with her attacks and nods her head.
"Nikia informed me that she does not need your assistance today. So, you are instructed to observe and travel the city and country and learn more from our people." No objections can be given, and she ushers me off. I head to my room and get myself ready to go out into the city.

I had done this a handful of times. They found it important to learn from observation as much as hands on work. As I exited the building where I was staying, I looked around, trying to decide where to go. Before I can make a decision, I hear someone call my name behind me, and I turn all the way around to see T'Challah walking towards me with Bucky. My heart starts beating double time as I look at him. He's clearly cleaned himself up and is wearing jeans and a leather jacket. And a new metal arm. Wow, the Wakanda's truly were giving.
They both walk up to me and stop just a short distance away, and Bucky gives me a small smile. I am not sure what to do, what I'm even allowed to do.
"He has passed his test. I am now putting him in your charge." T'Challah states to me. I open my mouth to ask exactly what that means, but his stare silences me. I can only assume they figured it out. Saying nothing else, he leaves. Okay, they may be giving, but whatever they said in Wakanda was final. No objections could be had.
"Well," I finally spit my words out and look to Bucky. "Guess that means you're stuck with me." I joke with him.
He walks closer to me and once I am within arms distance, he pulls me into a hug and we stand there for a long time, just hugging each other. The hug had so much emotion behind it. So much relief and worry and happiness after being gone for so long. And the metal arm doesn't bother me at all, it just feels like all of him. He releases me enough for me to back away just a little and I look up at him. Have I ever mentioned how absolutely gorgeous his eyes are? Yes? Okay just checking.
I can feel my face get hot and I step out of his hug before I do something stupid. "Well, why don't I show you around? I'm sure you haven't got much of a chance to really take it all in." He gives me a nod and we tour the city. I had been here long enough that I had enough of an idea of where everything was. We stopped at different shops and ate food and it was a very relaxing time. I mean, I guess we were on a date? Do you consider showing around a guy who's been locked away from the city for years because he could turn into a killer a date? Sure, we'll go with that.

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