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After exploring the room, I texted my Mom and Hailey, letting them know I arrived safely.

I sat by the window as I was folding my clothes and I can't help but be tempted by the calming sea and the swimming pool two floors below. I called Cass and Dave, "Hey, look out your window."

"Yeah, that pool does look good," Cass said.

"What pool? All I could see is the city." I could hear the confusion in Dave's voice.

"Oh. Well, your room must be on the other side. Anyway, wanna go for a dip?"

"Hells yes. Let's meet at the lobby in ten?" Dave replied.

"Yeah, I'll just put on my swimsuit." Cass agreed.

"Okay, see you then." I dropped the call and changed into the swimsuit I bought in Sydney. It's a simple black one-piece, nothing eye-catching; I just want to swim peacefully.

After taking a quick shower, I put some SPF all over, wrapped myself in the hotel robe, and made my way down the lobby.

"Why are you wet?" Cassandra squinted.

"To regulate my body temp before going in. Swim class?"

She grimaced, her voice pitching a higher octave, "Okay."

I ignored her remark. "Where's Dave? Is he lost?"

She just shrugged.

The elevator dinged and out came Dave.

"Hey, girlies!" he walked out with arms wide open in red underwear.

I choked on my own spit. Cassandra patted my back as I coughed. "What are you wearing?"

"Speedos." He moved his towel from one shoulder to the other.

"Why?" Cassandra said rhetorically.

He stopped for a moment to think. "Well, I heard it's hot in the Philippines and I only have two options when we went shopping. It's either the full-body suit or this."

"And you chose that?" she scowled.

Dave looked around, out of words. "Well..."

I cleared my throat, "Alright, alright. Let's just go. We don't want to waste time."

The water was glistening blue under the blazing afternoon sun. There was a bar next to the pool and an island in the middle of the water with big umbrellas and several lounge chairs.

We have the pool to ourselves, considering how hot it is, but I like it this way. I don't mind getting a little tanner.

I folded my robe and held it up as I stepped my toes into the cool water. When I reached the island, I set my robe on a lounge chair, and Dave and Cassandra followed.

Cassandra put her sunglasses on and laid under the sun in her navy bikini. I did the same.

"You guys get some tan, I'll do some laps," Dave said.

Cassandra waved for him to go, like a mom allowing her child to go play.

My eyes were open under the shades, looking at the ocean view from the glass panels surrounding the pool area.

I should contact my cousin to meet up with me sometime. Who knows when I can come back here next? Tickets are damn expensive and the long flight isn't a picnic.

After a few minutes, Cass and I joined in on the water. We ordered drinks from the bar and we swam and swam until our fingers pruned.

"Okay," Dave said as his watch beeped. "It's already 4:30. Have y'all got your models' info yet?"

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