(I guess I better get going as now I know where she is...... I should go and make things up..!!!!!!!!!! Man.!!! My wild cat.!!! Here I come..!!! I just excused myself and ran outside the house........ Sat in my car and my next stop is ...... headquarters..!!!!)

(As soon as I entered the headquarters, all the agents there were looking at me.!!!!
"Umm...... okay.!!! Awkward.!!!!!" "What am I supposed to say.??? What did I do...??? More than surprise look they all are giving me sympathetic look..!!!! Why.???"
I stopped an agent and asked him....)

Aditya: Um.. Hi...... Can you tell me where....
(Before I could finish he said...)

Agent: Third floor....... 4th room to your left... is the gym.!! Who you are finding...... she is there....

Aditya: Oh.!! Thank you.!!! Thanks for the help..!!!

(Wow.! I guess agents are like this.! And looking at me .... Obviously they can say why I am here...!! I was about to leave when the agent stopped me....)

Agent: If you ask me.... Don't go right now.!!! She is in a very bad mood.!!! Now is not the time.!!!!

Aditya: Hehe.... Thanks for the warning buddy.! But I guess this is the time..!! And believe me.!! I know how to calm down that Tsunami.!!!

Agent: Oh well.!! Don't tell me later that I didn't warn you.!!

(Saying this he left and I started to go towards the third floor.!!!! I am doing an internal prayer.... God... please.!!! Help me stop this Tsunami from hurting herself.!! Yes!! That's what she does.! Oldie told me how she reacted when she was given my case.!!!!

Now that I see..!! From that to this.... We have quite a journey in its own.!!!!
While I was thinking about this the lift ding and the door opened to third floor......... I walked towards the 4th room.!! There I could see Shan.!! Doing a very aggressive workout.!!!
Damn she looks sexy.!!!

I shook my head to clear the crazy thoughts that were coming in my head looking at her.!!!
She finished her burpees and push ups combo and now going towards her punching bag.!!!

Oh snap.!
She's not wearing gloves.!!
And there...... she started to punch the punching bag ruthlessly.!!!
Is she crazy.????
At this pace she will up with bloody hands in no time.....
I went and tried to open the door but it was locked.!!
The efff..????
Where the heck is the key for this......????
I am still trying to open the door and I guess she heard the noise, she paused for a sec and started to punch the bag again.!!!

God I need to do something.!!
I saw an agent passing by without even looking at the gym..!!


Aditya: Hey bro.!!

Agent: Yes!

Aditya: You see what she's doing right.?? She will end up hurting herself.!!

Agent: Agree.! But if I or you do something...... We will end up in hospital bed.! And I am in no mood for that.! Let her calm down.! No one..... except Chief can handle her right now and Chief is not here.! So I am leaving and you do the same.!!

Aditya: You have the keys for the gym.?

Agent: What.?

Aditya: Keys.... Keys..! You have them.???

Agent: I do.! But why....(cut off by Aditya)

Aditya: Give it to me and leave.!

Agent: Are you sure.???

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