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hi guys!

just an fyi for people who read the earlier stuff ages ago, i've aged the characters to their ages now instead of them being as young as they were! so felix is 22 and y/n is 21 for this :) makes it easier for us to write about !

also, this is gonna be a longer chapter!

also here's a tw list for this one:
- alcohol
- death

Felix's POV

as soon as we got back to the dorm, we could already hear commotion from the other members. i turned around and apologised to y/n for the noise and she smiled, as if to say "it's okay".

we walked in and as soon as they saw both of us they smiled and went completely silent. chris and jeongin waved immediately, jisung came over to greet y/n directly and the rest of them said hi shortly afterwards.

"go and make yourself comfortable in my room, i'll go grab some snacks" i said and she nodded, making her way there.

"so, what was going on as we came in?" i asked. they all looked around at each other and said nothing. "well?" i pressed for an answer, but there was silence for a while.

"jyp has packed our schedule really tight over the tour. i've done my best to little it down but we're still virtually have no time to ourselves that isn't travelling" chris said, everyone looked over to me and i just sighed.

"can't say i'm surprised, but that's awful" i said and everyone agreed. "i'm gonna go play some mario kart with y/n, see you later" i said and they nodded.

"have fun losing!" chris joked and i scoffed.

"come and play a game with her, you are nothing compared to her in that game" i said and he agreed.

we both grabbed snacks and soda before heading to my room.

"i hope you don't mind but i set it up for us- oh hi chris!" she beamed with a cute smile.

"i heard how good you are at this game, so i wanted to play against you to see for myself" chris said and she laughed


i sat back and watched them play three tracks, and y/n won every single time. even though i expected it, i was still impressed.

"you're so good" he said and she smiled

"thank you" she said quietly and he stood up from his spot.

"i'm gonna leave you guys to it, see you later!"


we said goodbye to chris and started playing against each other. we played so many times before he wanted to play the one track i cannot win. i agreed and by the end of the game i was in 5th and felix was in 1st.

"i- i won!" he said in disbelief, i smiled as he cheered and hugged me in excitement. it caught me off guard but i hugged him back, he gives really nice hugs.

"you picked the track that is my downfall, you were bound to win" i said and he laughed

"well, everyone has a weakness somewhere" he said and i agreed with him.

to take a break from mario kart, we put on some music and talked for a while. before i knew it, i realised my weakness in life is him.

Felix's POV

a while later, there was a knock on my door and it was jisung.

"hey guys! so, uh. we ordered pizza! and don't tell anyone at the company but we're gonna drink tonight! we have to fit in some fun before we go on tour right? you're welcome to join us!" he said excitedly, seeming like he'd already got ahead on the drinking.

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