thirty nine

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the week before the world tour...


felix: HEY

me: yesss??

felix: are you free

felix: like right now

me: yess...

me: why?

felix: i need to buy more clothes for tour are you down to come with me?

me: sure!

felix: SWEET

i quickly get myself together and grabbed a snack. on the counter mom had left a note for me:

i've gone to my sister's for a couple days, take good care of yourself and stay safe

- mom

i sighed and called felix to tell him i was ready to go. he said he would walk to my place and then we could get an uber together so we're safe, i agreed with the plan and waited for him to arrive.

i jumped up the second i heard the doorbell ring, i flung the door open and we hugged before he quickly ordered an uber.

"how much do i owe you?" i asked him and his eyebrows furrowed

"what do you mean?" he said confused

"for the uber?" i said and he giggled

"nothing silly, it's on me" he smiled and i sighed

"i'm getting us food then"

soon enough, the uber arrived and took us to the mall. we go into a lot of shops and he picked out a few clothes to wear. i wanted to go in my favourite clothes store so he came in with me.

i immediately saw a gorgeous dress and i fell in love with it immediately. it was black and was mid-thigh in length, tight fit at the top but loose at the bottom. i went towards it and picked it up.

"i have to try this" i said to felix and he nodded, his face was hidden under a mask just to be safe.

i went to try it on and it was perfect, i walked out to show felix and i saw his eyes smiling over his mask.

"do you like it?" i asked him, spinning to let the bottom of the dress flow.

"i love it" he said sincerely, avoiding my eyes as he spoke.

i left the store after buying the dress and a couple other items that i saw afterwards. as we were leaving felix mentioned that he needed to use the restroom. he went to find one while i sat down on a nearby bench.

"if it isn't y/n!" i heard someone say excitedly right in front of me, i looked up and saw someone from school. she was supposed to be my friend, but she never made any effort to talk to me when we weren't in classes together.


"i've missed you bestie!" she squealed and tried to hug me, i pushed her away.

"if you missed me you would've cared sooner" i said and she rolled her eyes at me.

"i did care and i always have! i was there for you" she said, placing her hand over her heart.

"no, you weren't. you were a fake friend. we aren't friends let alone 'besties'" i retorted, she scoffed and bent down to my level.

"we are friends, i'm forgiving you for what you just said, okay? but i promise we are friends" she said and i shook my head.

"i never apologised"

soon enough she slapped me across the face. i glared at her as she smiled at what she had done.

"who the fuck are you?" i heard from across the mall, we both turned and i saw felix.

"i'm her friend! from school!" she said happily with a wide smile across her face.

"friends don't slap each other across the face" felix said and she sighed.

"she said something horrible to me, it's just how we are" she said trying to fool him

"fuck off" he said and came over to me, he offered his hand out to help me up and we left her there.

we walked in silence for a minute before i broke the silence.

"you see why i didn't have any friends in school?" i laughed through it and he sighed.

"you have me now, and you will forever" he said, squeezing my hand. turns out we never let go, and i didn't plan to. my cheeks go pink as we walk to find a place to eat.

"what time does your mom expect you home?" felix asked, i sighed.

"she's gone away for a few days, i don't have to be home at any time" i said and he smiled.

"do you wanna come over to play more mario kart?" he asked and i nodded happily.

after having some food, we headed back to his dorm.


hi everyone! it's backk :D

i know it's been such a long wait, but we're back and ready for more writing

hope you enjoyed!


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