Chapter One- Moving In

Start from the beginning

Me and Meenah and Feferi walked inside. The house was huge. Like, huge. "Woahhhh...." I said to myself. "I know right!" Feferi replyed. "Here, i'll show you you're room!" Feferi told me, starting running towards the stairs. "Oh, um, Fef! Wai-" I tried calling for her to wait so i could catch up, but nope. I tripped on the first step and smacked my head into the wood. I felt blood run down my head a bit. "Zelly! Are you alright?" Feferi asked, rushing down to my level. I sat up. "Yep, this happens alot." I said. Just then a pale black haired girl stopped in front of us, she was probably going to try to go up the stairs. At first i thought Jane was going to be mean, or stuck up or something. Nope. Oh and hey! She had short hair! *Plus One Point* "Oh my goodnes! Wait right here!" She yelled, darting into another room. She came back with a wet papertowel, a dry papertowel, and a bandage. She wiped the blood from my face, then dryed my face. "Um, please dont put a bandage on..." I asked. "Come on, just for a bit, atleast the next hour." She tried to comprimise. "Oh, um... Sure... Okay..." I replied, not knowing what to say. She stuck the bandage on my cut and stood up. "There... Now try and be more careful alright? And Feferi try to stay at her pace please." Jane said, waiting for us to stand before politely walking past us up the stairs. Me and Feferi walked up and she showed me her room. "Woah, cool." I said, looking at my room. It had a desk, and a bay window thing i guess, but the bed was like kind of built into the wall infront of the window, it was cool. There was a closet in the wall as well and a television screen mounted on the wall opposite of my bed. I sat my bag down in the floor and sat on my bed. Wow, although it looked small it could still probably fit two people, with some room... This was pretty cool so far. Hopefully it'll stay like this. "This one's just about the best in the house, mom gets the best though. Then Jane got her pick, she picked the smallest though, Meenah got the choice on the ones that were left, so i got to choose between this one and mine, but, knowing that i had a little sister somewhere, i chose the other one." Feferi told me. "Well... Well, thank you then, Feferi..." I replyed. "No problem, well, im gonna go to my room for a bit, someone will grab you when mom gets home, alright." She told me, walking out. I started unpacking my bag. I put my clothes away, threw my favorite pillow on my bed. I pulled my laptop out and set it on my desk along with my tablet and my chargers. I pulled out my old albumbs and set them on a shelf that was on the wall. I took out all of my video games and just set them on my bed for now. I took my game console out and set it on my bed as well. I pulled out the last of my belongings and neatly put my suitcase in my closet, closing the closet door after making sure all of my clothes were in there correctly. I grabbed the records i set on the shelf above my desk and put all of my games up there instead. I put my records in the bottom draw of my desk thing. I grabbed my console, setting it on the corner of my desk that was almost right under my tv. I put all my charges and apliances in one desk draw, and stuck my notebooks and pencils in the other. I plugged my laptio cord in and flipped it open. It wasn't dead, good. I opened pesterchum, only one person was online. Nepeta. I started pestering her.

(ZP=Zelly Pexies)

[Zelly Peixes has started pestering arsenicCatnip] 

ZP: Hey Nep!

AC: Hai! What's Mew?

ZP: Just Got Moved In At Feferi's House, It's Gigantic!

AC: Sounds pawsitivly furrtastic, oh hey, wanna come over to my house?

ZP: Um, when?

AC: Now. 

AC: If good for you

ZP: Um, no i think i can come, i just, need a ride, probably.

AC: No worries, me and Equius are right outside.

ZP: What?

AC: Yep. Grab your phone, cause we're waiting.

ZP: On my way.

[Zelly Peixes has ceased pestering]

        I closed my laptop, stuck my phone in my pocket, and stood up. I walked out of my room. The first perosn i saw was Meenah. "Oh, um, hey Meenah, my friend invited me somewhere, so i'm going with her, um, i have my phone, so yeah..." I told her. "Sounds chill." She replied. "Kay..." I replied, carefully running downstairs, almost falling on my face. I walked two steps out of the house then Nepeta jumped on me back, hugging me. "Knees. Buckling. Can't. Support. Weight." I said, getting lower and lower. Equius walked over and picked her off of me. "Oh my god... Thanks Equius..." I said awkwardly. "Zelly! You look mewsome!" Nepeta complimated me. "And you look fuuroshiously determined to show me something." I said to her. "Ding ding ding! Come on, lets go!" She grabbed your arm and ran towards Equius's car. You sat in the back with Nepeta. Equius drove to god knows where.

        ~Dave's POV~

Me and Zelly were like, the best of pals. I guess... She seemed so excited to move in with her sisters, she has been talking about it since she's known. I was excited for one reason. Getting to see her. Firstly i've never seen what she looks like, but i assume it's like the other Peixes girls, but, she may be special. Secondly, i've been in love with her since before i can remember, but no one knows. Okay, no, that was a lie. John found out, and Jade found out from him, then it spread to Nepeta, and she basically told the world. Except for Zelly, she swore that she would not tell Zelly, to make our first romantic encounter special. Or some shit. I know that Zelly is just, amazing, she loves my music, she likes apple juice just as much as i do, she understands my comic... It's just... So much about her, that just, makes me want to hold her and never let go... 'Stop it Dave! You're in public! Remember, be a cool kid infront of her!' I thought. God, i just hope i dont make a bad immpression. That would just... no...

[Sorry For The Long As Crap Like 2000 Word Chapter, I Get Carried Away Easily, But I Will Definately Be Updating this, Just Keep In Mind That I Have School, And All Kinds Of Stuff, But I'm Fuuroshiously Determined To Write This! So, Yeah!]

                 x)        HoNk HoNk   8o)

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