God dammit, it was his fault. He had asked this of Sam and he should have said something -He shouldn't have said anything-... "I'm sorry Sam," Colby whispered, shrinking into himself. "I completely forgot, I shouldn't have..."

"Why do you keep apologizing?" Sam groaned, cutting Colby off, his face still covered, "You didn't make me do it."

Colby choked back another apology and the hurt that wanted to arise. He looked at the ground. God, he had been so stupid, he should have... "I shouldn't have..." He started, "I shouldn't have offered..."

"And I shouldn't have kissed you," Sam retorted matter-of-factly, and Colby tried to pretend like his heart hadn't just ripped open a little bit. "I shouldn't have... I just, with everything..."

"Hey man, it's fine," Colby shrugged, turning away from Sam, "I get it. Trauma and all that." His breath caught, heart pounding, hoping against hope that Sam would deny it, hoping that Sam would disagree with him, his chest tight with anxiety.

It was an empty hope. Sam nodded, "Yeah." His hands no longer covered his face, but he was still not looking at Colby. "Trauma."

Well fuck. Now Colby wanted to cry again.

He pressed his head into his knees, squeezing his eyes shut and hoping Sam didn't notice him crying. It had been stupid to think anything had changed. Sam had just needed him in the moment. If -when, Colby harshly corrected himself- they got out of here, none of this would matter. Things would go back to the way they had been, before they were kidnapped, before Sam had fucked him, before Sam had kissed him...

Colby let the silence be. He didn't want to hear anymore.

Colby had no idea how long he and Sam let the silence sit, just that it was broken by a clicking of the lock to their room. Colby was almost grateful for it to break the awful tension that had formed between himself and Sam. But as he started to take in what was entering the room, he started to fear that something worse was happening.

There were only two men. One of them Colby recognized from the previous sessions but the other he did not. He couldn't even see the guy's face, as it was covered by the ski mask.

He had a bad feeling about this.

"What do you want this time?" Colby heard Sam ask. He glanced over at Sam, vaguely surprised by his nerve. But then, between the two of them Sam had always been the one to anger faster.

The question didn't seem to phase the men. "One of you," Their captor answered smoothly.

Sam's bravado failed mildly, and Colby could see that underneath it his face was perplexed and a little bit nervous. "Just one?" Colby asked as he thought it.

"Just one," He agreed. "The other one can watch from there," He nodded at the table in the corner." Colby's insides clenched, memories of pulling fruitlessly at metal cuffs flashing through his mind. He wanted nowhere near that thing.

"Watch what?" Sam asked, although Colby was pretty sure what what they were getting at, and it was forming a sinkhole in the pit of his gut.

Their captor and the man in the ski mask smiled. "Watch him have fun with the other," Their captor answered.

Colby's stomach sank and Sam turned white. "No," Sam stated, mostly in shock, "You can't, I won't, we won't..."

The man smiled and gave a slow shake of his head. "He will have you," He said definitely. "You just get to choose who he has." He gave a predatory smile to Sam. "And I know you haven't gotten fucked yet, Pretty Boy."

Colby shuddered as Sam turned impossibly paler. He was shaking with anger and fear already. He knew Sam would do it too, he would give himself up to protect Colby. But Colby never wanted Sam to experience that if he didn't have to.

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