Chapter 5

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I sit up and open my eyes. I'm at a beach. I stand up and hold my head as everything comes back to me. Chasing after Bucky, robot man, and the electric cables before I passed out. I look down and notice I do not have any burns from the electric shock, which is surprising. Even if I am half god that still would definitely leave some damage. 

"Hello, Perseus." someone says behind me.

I turn around quickly and reach for my tridents only to realize they are not there. I look at the mysterious talker and I'm shocked. 

"Father" I say. 

"How are you doing my boy?" He asks walking up next to me and looking out on the ocean.

"I've been better. Y'all left me to rot." I say a little coldly. 

He winces "Yes, we did. Zeus forbade for anyone to get you. He says the mortals were to close to the truth."

I open my mouth to say something. 

Before I can fully open my mouth he starts talking again. "I regret not going to get you. I know that sounds like an excuse and maybe it is one, but I do truly regret it."

I try to change the awkward topic "Where are we?"

He smiles "I thought you would recognize this place. Look around."

I look around a notice a small cabin. "Montauk" I breath.

He continues to smile "Yes it is. Although we are in a dream." 

"Why are you her father? Why now?"

His smile vanishes. "I have come to warn you my son. The cards have been played. War is nearing . Zeus himself admits it."

I turn quickly towards him already feeling betrayed. "Why me? Don't y'all have new pawns already?"

"Peace son. I have just come to warn you. It is your choice whether to fight or not. No one makes that decision for you anymore."

I calm down "What's the bad guys name this time."

"Names have power my child. You know this." 

"Names have as much power as we let them have. It is our choice."

He observes me "You have grown. In many ways."

"Yeah well being on the run for years can do that to you."

"He is called the mad titan. He is not one of our titans he is from space."

"An alien?"

"Let me finish son. His goal is to collect the six infinity stones. Now before you interrupt me let me explain. At the dawn of the universe there was nothing. Then bang. Six elemental crystals were sent spiraling through the galaxy. There was Time, Space, Mind, Power, Soul, and Reality. If Thanos gets all the stones then he could get rid of everyone in the universe with a snap of his fingers."

"That's not good."

"It is not. Unfortunately the only thing we can do is wait."

"Who else knows about this?"

"Only the gods. We have been having visions for months now. Some gods have even started calling it the The End of Our Time."

The only thing I can do is nod numbly.

He looks at me sadly. "Your mother misses you. So do your friends."

I look down knowing he is trying to change the subject. I follow along anyway. "I don't want to get my mom hurt, or my little sister."

He just stares off into the blue ocean. "Your sister is sweet by the way. They named her Estelle after your grandmother. Your mother's side of course."

"You met her."

He nods "When she was born. I checked on how she and your mother were."

I smile.

"You are avoiding my other question though. What about your friends?"

"I don.. can't go there right now. It still hurts."

He smiles sadly and starts to fade. "You are waking up my son. I know you will make the right decision when the time comes."

He's almost gone when he slaps his hand to his forehead. "I almost forgot, your mother would want you to have this." He hands me a piece of paper.

I look down and see it's a picture of my mom in a hospital bed holding up a little pink bundle. "Thank you dad"

I look up to see my father gone. I'm alone again.


What do you think of the chapter?

I'm trying to figure out who to pair Percy with here our the options:


OC Daughter of Tony Stark

Someone else

Please know that I'm looking for options. This is not set in stone.

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