13- Meeting a Boiled Egg

Start from the beginning

They had been walking back to the castle when the incident happened. Rory had felt someone tap on her shoulder rather harshly, causing her to turn around in bewilderment. She was unfortunately met with the flushed face of none other than Hermione Granger. She faintly saw Harry and Ron standing to the side, sharing concerned looks between their two female friends. Aurora had raised an eyebrow over her icy blue eye, waiting for the girl to speak up so that she could get a decent seat in charms. When she didn't even say anything, Aurora exasperatedly asked, "Yes?"

She could not tell if Hermione had been red in the face due to being flustered, embarrassed, or from just being hot out in the blazing heat, but quite frankly she didn't much care either way.

"You just love to showoff don't you?" Hermione spat at her angrily.

Aurora tried to hold in her laugh, she really did. This girl was mad because Aurora showed not even a quarter of what she was capable of? She was literally only hoping to prove to her head of house that she was not, in fact, a dunderhead. Apparently she didn't try hard enough, however, because Hermione did indeed notice Rory's tongue pressing tightly to the side of her cheek, as well as the obvious twitch in her lips.

Hermione sneered a sneer that her brother would've been majorly jealous of, "You... You— you bitch!"

Aurora did not even notice Harry and Ron both slapping a hand over their mouths in shock, seeing as she was much too busy throwing her head back in a delighted-sounding fit of laughter. She distantly heard the shell shocked and slightly scolding voice of Harry Potter shout, "Hermione!"

As Rory turned around to leave the quite dramatic, and frankly ridiculous argument, still chuckling under her breath, she felt a mean shove against her shoulders. Hermione had pushed her to the ground. At this point, there was a whole crowd of Gryffindor students surrounding the two girls, repeatedly chanting "fight!"

Aurora gracelessly stood back up calmly, dusted off the dirt from her knees, and turned back around to see Hermione crying angry tears, feet planted to the spot. Aurora chuckled sadistically, and tauntingly walked closer to the frizzy-haired girl who was shaking in pent up frustration.

"You shouldn't have done that," Rory tsked madly,with a twisted smile on her face, "after all, I was only trying my hardest to be the best I could be, would you not have done the same?" She asked sarcastically as Hermione's feet lost the ability to move. With that, she leaned closer and belittlingly moved Hermione's frizzy hair to the side. She went in like she was about to whisper, but spoke quite loudly for all to hear, "This is the last time I warn you not fuck with me." Needless to say, she promptly flicked her wrist, throwing the annoying girl into the black lake. Hopefully she could swim, Aurora thought.

She bowed deeply to the surrounding students and left without looking back. Wondering if there was still a decent seat in Charms for her next exam, hopefully far away from the girl who undoubtedly now smelled like lake water.

Thinking back on that particularly lovely Wednesday afternoon, Rory couldn't help the soft smile on her lips as she made her way to go bother her brother. She knew that Draco liked to spend his weekends in the Great Hall around this time of the evening with his fellow Slytherin mates.

Aurora dramatically opened the huge doors to the rather extravagant dining hall, and swiftly strutted over to the green and silver Slytherin table. She completely disregarded the odd looks she received from her bizarre choice of outfit as she approached her brothers little gang of garden snakes. His friends were so used to seeing her lately that they didn't even give her a second glance as she plopped down on an empty spot on the bench and slung her legs onto sweet Draco's lap.

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