13- Meeting a Boiled Egg

Start from the beginning

"Really, Aurora? The amount of times I have told you about him, I swear. It's as if Quirrell is over-working you so much, that you now have short term memory loss. Just look him up at the library if you're so interested," he said dismissively.

She huffed, "Fine then, oh great and mighty mentor. My saving grace teacher. The hero that I learn from. I'm off to see Draco for about ten minutes, before I'm led to my untimely doom tonight."

Tom rolled his eyes once more, scoffing, he replied, "You've been with him every waking moment this week. I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd think that you're conjoined twins. Very well, go be sentimental to someone who might actually appreciate that foolish emotion."

She sent him a glare, "You really are the best, Tom, truly. I'll see you later for the super secret spy mission," she dramatically winked at him as he disappeared back into his diary home. Rory grabbed her light necessities for the night, her and Tom's wand, her black purse containing the diary, and a fancy silver switch blade (she thought it'd make her look cool.)

Aurora looked like she was preparing to wrestle a troll with her evening attire. She wore black dragon-hide pants, with a matching black tank top, as well as steel-toed black combat boots. Her white hair, untidy as always, was thrown carelessly into a ponytail. She tried to remind herself not be too nervous— she would have Tom with her and she knew she could trust her best friend.

Truthfully, Tom wasn't lying when he said that her and Draco had basically been attached at the hip this past week. She was with her arrogant brother every free chance she had. The fluttering sensation she'd been feeling in her abdomen these past few months had intensified greatly during the long, yet painfully short week. She just kept having this strange gut feeling that she just needed to spend more time with Draco, much to his annoyance. He probably loathed being seen with a Gryffindor— twin sister or not.

In all honesty, Aurora's week was quite stressful indeed. The weather outside was getting warmer and warmer by the day, some fifth years who were due to take their OWL exams would often be seen sitting outside with their feet lazily dipped into the Black Lake, textbooks and notes surrounding them. Aurora had just finished her first year exams, a piece of cake in her opinion; also very much to Hermione's displeasure.

The bushy haired girl had grown quite comfortable and smug during the few months that Aurora was a walking zombie. To say the girl was furious when Rory finally got her shit together (with the help of Tom Riddle, of course,) would be a huge understatement indeed. Since they were both Gryffindors, they happened to share every class together. Every. Single. Class. Once Aurora turned back into being her usual vibrant bright self and was back to being on top, Hermione wouldn't miss the opportunity to aggressively bump into her shoulder every time they crossed paths in the busy corridors.

She'd thought it was slightly amusing at first— every time she would do her overly excessive shoulder bumps, Aurora would give no attention to it, not even flinching, which only seemed to anger Hermione more. It wasn't until their transfiguration exam that the girl truly snapped.

They were outside down by the lake, where the first year students were instructed to transfigure a rock into a turtle. Aurora's bright white hair had nearly blinded many students whilst in the direct sunlight; it got up to the point where they all had to look away from the girl. Aurora had decided to get back into Professor Mcgonagall's good graces that day, so she arrogantly transfigured a boulder into a particularly large tortoise that almost looked dinosaur-like. The aging Professor had praised her for three entire minutes and awarded 20 points to Gryffindor for her apparent fourth year transfiguration skills.

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