James snorted, "Fair enough." 

We piled into the car and drove the long distance to the house, sitting in complete silence.

I tried not to show emotion every time we rounded a corner too quickly or went over a bump in the road. My body was barely recovering. I had oozing wounds and heavy bruises. It hurt when I breathe.

I winced slightly, looking out the window to distract myself.

It was then that my grandmothers house came into view. 

"I don't want to do this." I said softly.

Alec glanced at Marco, "You don't have too. You can stay here." He said. I nodded, "No. I need too come in, I just don't want too."

Alec walked slowly beside me, slyly slipping his hand into mine as we approached the door. The knock sounded and then the door opened, revealing my ever-present grandmother.

White hair tousled to perfection, necklace clad in pearls, a deep green dress matched with cream heels. You'd think she was meeting with the president. But nope! Just her family.

And her signature ruby red lipstick stayed perched on her smirking lips as she looked down on us, "Well, do come in." She said, parting way for us to enter.

I took a cautious step inside, keeping my eyes trained on the floor.

"You're looking rather thin and pale, Amara. Have you been eating or starving yourself?" I could hear the smirk in her voice and zoned her out, feeling my fingers tighten as Alec squeezed my hand, "You look older, Silvia. Your grey hair is poking through." Giovanni taunted. 

I snorted but composed myself by laughing.

"Brunch is being served in the kitchen. I hope everyone likes shellfish." I scrunched my nose up at the sound of seafood. 

I don't dislike it, but shellfish is a definite no!

Once we were sat, I kept to myself, talking to Giovanni to hopefully busy myself whilst Alec and my grandmother conversed.

"Excuse me?" Alec said abruptly, "Did I just hear you right?" He repeated.

Silvia nodded once, chewing her food slowly, keeping direct eye contact with Alec. I pictured her choking on her food and dying, sending a smile to my face.

"You can't be serious. You haven't been in the boys life for more than a day, how could you think we'd agree to something so absurd." 

Silvia shrugged, "I knew you wouldn't agree, which is why I already did it for you. The papers are signed, you can look through them and check the authenticity if you'd like." She taunted.

She had caught my attention and I was looking between the annoyed faces of Alec, Marco and Gio, who were all subconsciously waiting a reaction from me, "I'm confused. What's going on?" I said.

Alec sighed, placing a hand on my knee under the table, squeezing it gently.

"Your grandmother- a-adopted Finn and Joey." He said quietly.

I saw that Silvia's lips had turned to a smirk in the corner of her mouth as she ate quietly.

My ears began to ring and my heartbeat sped up. I clenched my fists under the table and blinked away tears that were brimming in my eyes. 

"Amara?" Gio said, placing a hand on my back, "You are a fucking bitch." I raised my voice. Silvia seemed taken back as she choked slightly, "Excuse me?" She said, "You heard me." 

I stood up, my chair scraping backward, "You are a vile excuse for a human being and I am so disappointed to call you my family." 

Silvia crossed her brows but stayed seated, her cheeks reddening, "You think you have so much power over us. You think that just because you're the only family I have left, that I have to respect you." 

"Blood doesn't equal family." I hissed, revealing our family's motto.

She was about to speak when I opened my mouth again, "You can take my brothers away but I swear on your life, Silvia that I will get you back. For all the miserable years and pain that you caused me."

"Are you finished?" She asked calmly.

I didn't move, "You can try, my dear. But your little posse won't be able to save you." 

I went to raise my hand but Alec pulled me back, "I killed Mattia and I will not hesitate to kill you." I spat, thrashing in his arms. Unfortunately, he was stronger than me. But the look on her face when I said Mattia was dead, was priceless.

"Watch your fucking back bitch!"

 + + + 

Hi guys! What did we think of this chapter??

Amara's finally letting go of some pent up anger... colorful language lol.

Also, massive thanks for 4 thousand reads?? Are you kidding? Love you all!

Thanks for reading guys Xx

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