eighty two

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Warning: this chapter contains mild talk of eating disorders.

I sat with my arms crossed on my knees whilst facing away from everyone.

Unshed tears brimmed in my eyes as I tried desperately to blink them away.

How dare he.

I trusted him.

"Mar- come on!" Giovanni said, touching my arm. I jerked it away, continuing my scowl.

"Amara, I'm sorry! I had too." Alec apologised again.

"No. You didn't 'have to' Alec. You just wanted to be the alpha, again!" I growled.

"You're hurt, Amara. I am not going to sit by while you continue to deny it." He yelled, acting scarily calm throughout this whole argument.

I swallowed my fear and glared at him, "You stabbed me!"

He snorted, rolling his eyes, "You're so dramatic." He mumbled, a slight smirk on his face.

Marco let out a low whistle, "All of you leave, now."

"We're not going anywhere. You might leave."

"You bolted the windows and lock my door. I can't leave. I'm a prisoner!" I hissed, standing up.

I was a bit wobbly from the medication Alec stabbed me with and I fell, regaining my composure as the boys eyes widened for a fraction of a second.

"I'm fine. I don't need my rescuers." I mumbled, staring at my blurry hands. 

Alec signed, "Whatever Amara. I'll forgive you for this attitude because I know you're just lashing out to spite me." He started.

I went to speak but he shushed me.

"I know you're hurting, physically and emotionally. But I will not sit here while you slander me so I will go."

I nodded once, "I don't need you!"

"But you do. More thank you think."

The air seemed to thicken as Alec took a graceful step toward me. Suddenly, we were the only two people in the room.

His hand traced my face, his thumb rubbing my skin. I fell into his touch, the feel of his touch making me tired. I could smell his cologne and looked up at him, his big brown eyes swimming with worry - the same brown eyes I fell in love with.

"I'm sorry." I said.

He nods, "I know."

"But I'm upset for what you did." My voice caught in my throat. He nodded, "I know. But I had no other choice."

This time I did understand.

+ + + 

I had calmed down from my little anger splurge earlier and was currently struggling to brush my hair.

"Do you need help?" Giovanni asked, knocking on my door. I shook my head, "No. I should be okay. Thank you, though." I shot him a small smile, slowly standing up from my place at the bathroom mirror before walking out.

"Your grandmother is expecting us, so she know's were coming. Your brothers however - do not. We informed to not let them know as your grandmother is dangerous, and if something were to happen, we need to get you and your brothers out safely." 

I nodded once, fully understanding.

"I'm surprised you're not arguing with me." James smirked, giving Giovanni the side eye. I shrugged, "I'm too tired to get told I'm wrong." 

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