"Roman, are you sure you're ok?" Virgil asked one last time seeing the fear clear as day in his love's eyes. 

"No." Roman laughed as he glanced up to see the person off to the side looking around, his face paling bad the second they met. "I'm fucking terrified." Virgil instantly shot up in concern as Roman gulped his fear down, noticing out the person's face lit up in surprise and started over to them. "But I have to do this."

"Do what? Roman? Why are you so-..."

"VIRGIL!" Virgil jumped, spinning around, the second he heard Kai's voice calling out to him. "Dude where were you? Everyone already went inside!" Kai beamed as he ran up and pulled the human into a hug, letting Roman slip into the background, eyes firmly latched to the ground. "We were going to meet up and stuff before school started."

"I'm sorry." Virgil laughed awkwardly as he reached back for Roman's hand noticing how quiet his love was so suddenly. "I running a bit late."

"I can tell." Kai laughed as he just glanced between the two before frowning in confusion just staring over at Roman, who's head ducked a bit more overall the nerves he was feeling. "Hey, Virge? Who's this? Where's Roman? Don't tell me you two had a falling out." Virgil's face completely dropped as Roman flinched and took a step back. "Oh... I'm sorry. Did something happen?"

"You said no one would notice." Virgil hissed, panic burning through him, as Roman just shook his head. 

"No, I said no one that mattered would notice." Virgil crashed seeing the absolute panic in his love. "I couldn't do that to him."

"Um? I'm confused." Roman took a deep breath as he forced himself to look up at Kai who just blinked. Roman smiled softly making Kai frown only for his eyes to shook wide in shock as Roman chuckled and anxiously scratched at his hair. "Wait..."

"Hey, Kai. It's uh... nice to see you again." Roman mumbled softly before just letting his arms drop. Kai just stood there frozen in confusion as Roman glanced over at Virgil who just nodded egging him on. "Kai... I uh... I don't know how to explain this really."

"Roman?" Roman nodded as he looked down at his own arm. "Dude, that's not just a 'tan'... How... How do you look completely different?"

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't alter your memories." Roman whined as he shook himself out of his head trying not to panic. "How... how do I..."

"Hey... Hey..." Kai quickly held his hands up seeing the tears building in Roman's eyes. "It's ok. I won't judge. I don't know what's going on but... I'm not going to judge. I promise. Please? Just tell me the truth?"

"I'm not human." Roman choked out as Virgil gently pulled his arm in to help comfort him. Thankfully at this point they were the only ones still outside. Roman had made sure no one knew they were there. He didn't want anyone else to notice the scene that he just KNEW was going to happen. "I'm not human, Kai. I've never been human... not for a very long time."

"You're not... human?" Kai blinked, just trying to let the words soak in, as Roman groaned as started to shut down.

"It's nothing. Forget it. We're gonna be late-..."

"Roman, don't." Virgil forced Roman to look at him as he smiled softly. "Don't shut down. You've already come so far."

"I can't lose anyone important." Roman whined as Kai latched on to the words they were whispering. "You know I can't."

"You said anything about losing anyone." Roman jumped, having thought Kai was too out of it to have heard them, only to see the seriousness in Kai's expression. "Whoever said that you'd lose someone?"

"Kai, I just told you I wasn't human. I didn't exactly expect it to go well."

"So, explain it to me. What are you if not human? How does that affect our friendship? Are there any people I need to kill to keep them from attacking you like hunters because I've watched supernatural. I know what they do-..." Roman's eyes lit up the brightest white as he just broke down over everything making Kai freeze up over how Roman was suddenly laughing.

"Did... Did you just..." Roman literally giggled as he pushed his hair back and forced himself to take a breath, his white eyes making his skin start to glow. "Did you just ask me if there was anyone you'd have to kill?"

"Roman." Kai stood himself as straight as he could with this serious expression that took the others by surprise. "I protect my family."

"I knew there was something about you." Roman whispered as he let his wings show making Kai's face just light up. "Even when I was a demon... I could feel it." Kai's eyes widened as Roman's wings fluttered proudly. "Now that I'm an angel... It's all the more obvious. You're like me." 

"What do you mean?" Virgil asked as Roman just melted. "Ro?"

"His soul, Virgil... it's like mine." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman let out a very relieved breath. "He's got an angel's soul. I never should have worried. I just..." Roman smiled sheepishly as he turned back to see the awe in Kai's expression. "I was scared you wouldn't accept me... or that you would be afraid of me... or think me crazy. I just... I was of how you would react but... I had to tell you."

"So you were a demon?" Roman nodded as Kai slowly calmed down, his eyes narrowing in thought. "Was that why you were as... inexperienced as you were?"

"Yeah. You could say that." Roman laughed knowing just how 'inexperienced he really was. 

"And now you're an angel?"

"It's far more complicated than just that." Virgil sighed as Kai just glanced between the two of them. "We'll explain it all... just... It's not something that all can be said right now."

"Ok. Ok... I can understand that. The only thing I NEED to know right now, however..." Kai crossed his arms as he gave both of them this look making the two tense up suddenly. "You two better tell me you're dating because if you went the ENTIRE summer still oblivious to how absolutely IN LOVE you both were, I will lose my marbles."

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