Chapter xɪ

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{ Y/N }


???: wake up girl

????: As expected her quirk is barely able to perform at it's fullest

???: quite right master, I'll continue the treatment via her other quirk to enhance it's function

????: Alright then, be sure to inform me of any further developments doctor, i look forward to see how much this girl's quirks will help with you're other male patient

Doctor: Yes my master, i have to say i am also eager to see how the girl's quirks will help us develop the boy's quirk as well

I felt my head aching and was unable to move, i felt like the life was drained out of me, barely able to move one finger, all i could do is listen to the two adult voices speaking...i probably past out during their experiment again, i heard footsteps that seemed to go farther away then a heavy door was opened, the room had bright white lights all around the roof as i layed looking up at them, my breathing was heavy but it slowly became stable.

Doctor: so you've woken up, excellent, tell me child how are you feeling?

[Y/N]: ...

Doctor: Come on don't be shy, unlike the boy you can speak a lot easily

He said turning to look beside me, i followed his look and i began to remember what had happened before I passed out as my eyes landed upon a strapped boy around my age, he was asleep with a oxygen mask, he looked to be in pain as his white cloud like hair was a mess...he looks so familiar, why can't i-

Doctor: Oh don't worry girl you're quirk "Alter" hasn't killed him yet, but now back to my question

I couldn't hear what the so called doctor said i only saw his moustache moving as i slowly fell into unconsciousness having small flashbacks of what had happened before, i could only hear screams of agony coming from the boy while i felt my body in intense pain as if i was being electrocuted from the inside, soon after everything went into peaceful darkness


I woke up, it wasn't sudden yet it was not slowly, i felt a cold sweat on my forehead as i breathed slowly trying to process my dream until i felt a soft touch on my hand that was rested on my stomach, i ripped my gaze away from the roof and looked down to the black cat with white furr on it's chest, Hoshi stayed quiet and only buried his head under my hand i carefully scratched his head feeling my uneasiness melted away

Hoshi: meow (Human)

[Y/N]: i know i know you're hungry right?

Hoshi: meoow (Yes)

[Y/N]: Alright, I'll get up

I said sitting up and ruffling my hair as i yawned loudly making Hoshi glare at me

[Y/N]: what?

Hoshi jumped off the bed and i followed him down stairs to his food bowl, as I filled his bowl with his favorite food i noticed something yellow on the bottom shelf, i tried thinking of which one of Hoshi's toys it was, but as i walked closer and bended down to reach it my eyes went wide, i pulled the yellow object to discover that they weren't just any random thing, it was Aizawa's goggles, not only that but as i reached my hand father back i ended up pulling out other random objects, here is the list:

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