Chapter 14

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Fingers brushing through Jesses hair, the others around a wine glass. Their knees touching, while they sit on the couch. After dinner they decided to move their conversation to the couch, a very small couch, Rob could barely sit down without practically landing on Jesses lap, not that it would bother him. From there he can perfectly play with Jesses fluffy hair, and smell his captivating cologne. „What products do you use?", Jesse snaps out and turns to look at Rob: „Hm?". He repeats himself: „What products do you use? For your hair?". Both chuckle, the alcohol letting everything appear funnier than it actually is. „I use shampoo, and a brush.", the words a bit slurry. He might have downed another shot, or two. „Yes of course, you idiot. But what else?", Rob's amused by his behavior. He knew tequila is strong, but that man clearly can't tolerate any alcohol. In fear of making the same mistake he sets down the wine glass on the coffee table, a clanking sound ringing in their ears. „What else should I use? I have a brush, and shampoo-„, Rob interrupts him, a finger now pushing against Jesses lips.

Sweat. Panic. Rapid heart beat. Jesse can't breathe. With every touch he melts more, falls more. He could barely survive when Rob drew circles with his fingers on his scalp, and their touching knees causes him to burn. He needs to take of his shirt, or he'll be burned alive. In a reflex he undoes his fly and throws it off, catching confused looks from the one next to him. Slowly he unbuttons the first two hooks of his shirt, finally taking a deep breath. „What are you doing?", Rob laughs, but he doesn't mind the show, he enjoys it. „We're dancing", he answers, his eyes smiling. „No, I'm pretty sure we're sitting.", Rob laughs, extremely confused by the entire situation, but at this point he should get used to it. There's no way he could calculate Jesse Klaver, a man whose every move is a mystery. And drunk Jesse might just be an even bigger one.

„You, me, dancefloor, now!", and with that he jumps up, grabs him by the waist and spins them around. While they turn and swirl, and Rob smiles from one ear to the other, Jesse pushes a button on a small remote that must've laid next to him on the couch, and music appears. It's upbeat music, not the kind someone would slow dance to, but they're still pushed against each other, Jesses head resting on Robs shoulder. Usually he's the one to bury his face in someone's shoulder, since he's always been the smaller guy in every relationship, but this time it's different. Weirdly, he doesn't mind. It's good that away, they click. It could be no coincidence that their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces, it has to be that way. Slowly Rob positions his hands on Jesses waist, and they start shifting from leg to leg, drawing small circles on the floor.

"You smell good", a voice vibrating against Robs neck. It tickles, but if feels good. So good. He closes his eyes, trying to take in every sensation he's feeling, trying to memorize it, and store it away to only him to see. These are the moments he'll remember, when he feels down and like giving up, the memory will be there to shine into the darkness. "And your skin is so smooth, sooo smooth", he rubs his nose against Robs neck, sending electricity down his whole body. Every breath he takes leaves a mark, every breath is appreciated. It feels like butterflies spiraling inside of him when Jesses hand suddenly travels up his arm, coming rest on the other side of his neck, the other one grabbing Robs chest tightly. It's intimate, something they both didn't expect to share, but no one would change anything. It's perfect that way. They're perfect.

Hot and wet breaths still caressing his neck. He can feel how Jesse relaxes into him with every inhalation. Paying so much attention to Jesses breath, he almost forgets to breathe himself. Adrenaline rushing through every vain because of the oxygen shortage in his brain. He needs to move, needs to do something about them. Right now. And with that he grabs Jesses face, so they're only inches apart. They've been in that position before, only now it doesn't feel rushed. The timing is perfect.

"May I?", Rob whispers, the vibrato of his voice sending shivers down his spine. Jesse nods, he's been waiting for this. The song stopped playing, only them and their breathing now. "Are you sure? And you're okay? Not too drunk to make decisions?", he must check again. What happened the first time they were that close, it couldn't happen again. They're gonna make this right. "Shut up already!", Jesse chuckles, and with that Rob finally pulls in.

Lips on lips. The sweet taste of them all around. A taste neither of them could get enough of. Lips on lips like their lives depend on it. Jesse pulls Rob up, their height difference only making it sweeter. Hands in his curly hair, hands at his waistline, only the sound of two hot lips and two hearts beating. From gentle, to hot and sturdy, to sensual. It's a mix, an intoxicating mix they might aswell get addicted to. It's too good to stop, it's impossible, but they must, at least to get air, just to end up doing it again.

Jesses hands travel up Robs body, stopping at the edges of his vest. He pulls him in closer, almost crushing them both in the act. They're close, but somehow close just doesn't feel enough. They crave more, more closeness. Only hands and bodies and skin against skin could stop that immense tingle that captivated their bodies. It's hot, fiery even, but their mouths can't stop doing the tango of love. They can't stop. But as every moment must end, this one does too. And so they fall apart, still breathing heavy.

"Are you okay?", Rob finally says. He's not sure if it's been Jesses first kiss, it certainly didn't feel like it, but if it was it's a big deal, and it's an honor he got to be the one to do it. "I don't know! I have this weird feeling in my chest and everything feels dizzy, maybe we should call someone?", he gives him a concerned look, but Rob just giggles. With his right hand he touches Jesses chest, positioning his palm right where his heart is at. "I think that's normal", with his left hand he grabs Jesses hand and positions it over his own heart, "See? I feel it too". Again they take heavy breaths, inhaling and exhaling in a rapid rhythm. "That was amazing!", the curl-head exclaims, his voice echoing through the room. Rob just nods, the feeling's mutual.

The gap between them finally closes. Again, a kiss, only this time more of a short peck. Rob leans against Jesses chest, burying his face there, his breath being very much appreciated on the naked skin. They're hands intertwine, almost like it's natural. They weren't supposed to be any other way, this is how they'll stay now. Together they enjoy the silence, just breathing each other, taking in every possible sensation they could catch.

Jesse can't help but stare down at the smaller man, who rested his forehead on his chest. Either it's the alcohol, or the fact they just shared the most amazing, and admittedly only, kiss in his life, but it's like his entire body could finally relax. All the stress, and the tension finally fell off his chest, that is of course until he suddenly feels hot lips, and a tongue (?) on his neck.

"That tickles", he tries to fight it, but Rob doesn't stop. Lovingly he leaves marks in the form of kisses and licks on Jesses neck, and he enjoys the reaction he gets out of it. "What are you doing?", a giggle after each word, he can feel Robs smile on his skin. "I'm", he leaves another quick kiss, "trying", another one, "to", the third one held a bit longer, "work", this time the kiss feels wet, "here!". Every time his lips hit his skin a spark ignites his already sensitive skin, and it feels good. Too good to be true. "Don't forget about rule number 3!", Jesse tries to remind him, but before he could even finish Rob groans against his shoulder. "I know it would be the logic consequence right now, but try not to rush it!", he now tells himself, more than Rob. Maybe he needed that reminder too. Rob lifts his face, just so he could finally restore eye contact between them. He missed looking into those deep chocolaty eyes, the color becoming his favorite.

"Okay. Rule number 3, sure. But kissing isn't forbidden, right?", they stare a moment before both, once again, fall into a passionate kiss, giggling like two teenagers.

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