Chapter 10

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Finally, lunch break has come, and Jesse flees into his office. Any minute he stays at Rob's side is painful, even though he doesn't know why yet. It's like Rob only has this Sjoerd guy in mind and overlooks all the moments he and his new best friend experience. Best friend. Jesse isn't too sure Rob would ever call him that. He's always been like that, falling too deep too fast. It started with the neighborhoods cat, up to the bullied kid in school, and now Rob. He always finds someone he can hyperfixate on, even if to them he's nothing. Drink the coffee, read the papers, and then just bike home, alone. That's the plan for today, maybe then he's able to let go of Rob. It'll take some time, but he has to. Rob's clearly not as interested in the friendship as Jesse, and it hurts.

Should I knock? Rob stands in front of his colleagues office, not knowing if he's even welcome. He must admit, his words earlier weren't exactly chosen well. What he wanted to say is: „Jesse, you're amazing", but somehow the words just got stuck in his throat, and he panicked, saying the worst thing one can say in a situation like this. It's not like Rob hasn't noticed the quality, and even more important, quantity of loving touches they both shared. Some of them were intentional, others spontaneous and exciting. Maybe that's what two men who are comfortable in their masculinity do, but how could they ignore the sparks they ignited. The evening they shared, it was incredible. The little gestures, the looks, the laid back nature of it.

Maybe that's why he got so horny and called Sjoerd.

Of course Jesse could never know about this, it would destroy everything, but secretly he wished he knew. What was he supposed to do? Usually, an evening like this, with a handsome man who can be both vulnerable and tough, ends for Rob in a session of love making, but Jesse left. He left Rob alone, drunk, flooded with hormones, in an empty house, and Sjoerd is an idiot who'd do anything for him. He's easy, Rob always can rely that he'll be there if he needs some distraction. Jesse however is different, he's complicated and hard to figure out. Mysteriousness and complexity follow every step he makes, and Rob can't help but want to solve him. It's what drew him to Jesse in the first place, why he enjoyed when Jesse would melt under his touch, back then in their enemyship. Even now there's still something, a secret Jesse holds, and Rob is determined to unlock it. And with that, he walks into the office.

„Rob, hey, what are you doing here?", Jesse jumps up from his stool, looking like his mom just caught him during the act. Rosy cheeks, worry wrinkles on the forehead, that guy is hiding something. Rob musters him up and down, a strained look marking his face. „I could ask you the same question", he finally decides on saying. „Well it's my office", Jesse's nervous and scratches the backside of his head, one arm still hidden behind his back. „Yes sorry, I was just wondering if you wanna go get coffee?", he decides to drop the topic. Rob didn't knock, so of course his sudden appearance would startle the one in front of him. „Coffee?", Jesses voice is high and he nervously tuggs at the edge of his collar, „don't you have a boyfriend you can do this with?" Where is this coming from? It hurts to hear the harshness hidden in the words, but he can also feel the jealousy behind them, and that, for a matter of facts, only makes him want him more.

Slowly, with an amused smile on his face, Rob makes his way up to the desk and positions himself on top of it, the weight evenly distributed on the leg on the ground, and the hips that just sat down on, what looked like, important documents. Jesse watches his every move, paying special attention to the hips. He gulps. „Jess, Sjoerd is not my boyfriend.", Rob drags out the sentence, his voice sweet and warm, he watches Jesses whole body loosen up. It was like for hours now he was constantly tensing up, and now he physically relaxes. „He's not?", Jesse says in disbelief, every possible emotion painting itself on his face. „Don't kid yourself, he could never be. Friend with benefits, at best.", Rob laughs, poking Jesses elbow in the process, „But why would it matter though? Are you jealous?", the last word being dragged out. Now Jesse laughs too, a stone falling from his heart.

„Why would I be jealous?", his throat feels a bit dry. „I don't know? You tell me, I'm not the one being salty" Rob can't stop himself from teasing, it's too good to see Jesse struggle. „I wasn't salty! You're not as cool as you think you are", they're both having a hard time containing their laughter by now. The men missed it, the comfortableness and the teasing, it's refreshing. It's refreshing in a way that it's almost therapeutic and addicting and the same time, a dangerous mix. Jesse's Robs serotonin source, and Rob's Jesses.

„So you're doing that often? Inviting random men over?", Jesse delivers the cup with hot coffee to Rob. „Drop it already! What do you wanna hear? That I'm ashamed?", the curly haired raises his eyebrows, „Fine, yes I am. I got drunk and lonely, so I called the first contact on my phone. Bad Rob, very bad Rob" Both chuckle, still worn out by the laughing fit before. „You can't tell me you haven't had random women", he pauses a second to watch his colleague, „men (?) over" Jesse has mentioned that he's an ally, but his sexuality isn't something they spoke about yet. One can feel the shift in atmosphere, and it sucks the air out of the room. Breathing's become harder, shallow. It's a serious topic, and there's no way to tipple toe around it. Or maybe there is, because Jesse's just found a loophole.

„No, I haven't had people over yet. At least not for this"

People. A clever way to walk away from the question. It also makes Rob wonder, if he's inexperienced. By now everyone in their thirties is either married, in a relationship or sleeping around, but Jesse is not. Again, the fact that he's different hits Rob, it's impossible to oversee it. „So, no partner yet?", he asks carefully, trying not to overbear it. It's a delicate question, both know what is secretly means. The line is blurry, it's important to not overstep. Jesse shakes his head, his gaze falling to the ground: „I guess I always focused more on my work. I never had the chance to try anything out yet" Now they're both leaning against the desk, only centimeters apart, and Jesse turns his head to look at Rob. „But do you want to? Try it?", his words are spoken softly, trying to be as gentle as possible. The looks they're giving each other however are hot, steamy, aggressive.

Jesse nods, a soft smile complimenting the fire in his chocolaty eyes: „I do."

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