Chapter 13

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"You know, they were about to call the cops because of you", Rob laughs, his elongated body leaned against the bathroom sink. After the meeting Jesse and Rob met in the bathroom of the building, the one where people usually don't go. The meeting went on longer than usual, probably because of the confusion regarding Robs story. "I'm sorry again, for the shirt and the slap", he gives him a soft smile, his arms crossed in front of him and legs apart. "How often do you wanna apologize? I already told you it's fine", now they both can't stop laughing.

"So, I was wondering", Jesse looks at the man in front of him, "I was wondering if you wanna come over, this evening. I could show you my place, and maybe you'll get some revenge and criticize my place this time. I'll even pour the wine", he gives him a seductive look before he pushes his curly head against Robs chest playfully. The heartbeat is fast, faster than average, he's exited. "I don't know, are you ready for me to come over?", Rob is concerned. After everything they've been through, and still in a way are going through, Jesses comfortableness is the priority. This time they're gonna do it right- the slow way, even if Rob feels like speeding up the process. They've been waiting so long, and he's still teased by the almost-kiss they shared.

"I wanna set up some rules before you come.", Jesse says, his voice stern but his eyes telling another story. Rob nods, gesturing his consent, patiently waiting for Jesse to proceed, "No sob stories. I want this to be a fun evening, and I also wanna protect myself from sharing too much of my trauma, I don't think I'm ready to do that yet. So yes, no sad stories that end with you feeling sorry for me", he moves his hands from his torso to his hips, letting them lean there. "Alright, what else?", Rob smiles softly, but also remembering all the times he told Jesse to get a therapist. This man has a lot of things happening, he shouldn't push it anymore. Rob's ready when Jesse is. "No politics, please. I can't hear it anymore!", he proceeds. "Yeah, you're disappearing during every debate, I can tell", they laugh, knowing how true it is. However what Rob doesn't know is that Jesse leaves to get fresh air, because sitting next to a person that takes his breath with just one look is exhausting, and confusing. He needs the breaks, he needs to get his head clear. "Last rule: no -you know what I mean.", he nervously tucks at his sleeve, ashamed to even say the word out loud. Rob can't help but chuckle, he hasn't seen someone in their thirties that is so nervous when is comes to it, on the other hand there's a clear reason why. "We won't, I swear", he finally takes his hands off the edge of the sink just to join Jesses, that still lie on his hips. "If I make you uncomfortable please don't hesitate to tell me.", he whispers, before leaving the bathroom, letting Jesse behind, alone.

The entire day at the cabinet they've been giving each other suggestive looks, not saying any word. Only long glances that can burn holes inside each other, spiraling out of control, once again robbing the air around them. Looks, while Jesse gets coffee and Rob has a talk 10 meters away from him. Looks, when Jesse walks up to the pedestal. Looks, when their feet accidentally brush together under the desk. They can't keep their eyes off each other, thinking about what's to come in the evening.


A golden doorbell, a wooden door. Jesses house looks big from outside, like a mansion even. It makes Rob think about his own small house, and how he won't find anything to criticize about the furniture. It bugs him, he really looked forward to take revenge, but he's also afraid any blow he directs at Jesse is gonna break him. While he does seem more confident again, and almost like the Jesse he got to know in the beginning, only less douchey, he also can't forget how fragile and broken he is. This evening is gonna be like dodging bullet after bullet, and he wonders if that's what he wants. Jesse's a nice guy, and their chemistry is unmistakable, but will Rob ever be able to get comfortable around him? That evening will show.

Suggestive Looks - Rob Jetten x Jesse Klaver Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora