The Goddess Herself

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It had been a long day and I felt a little sluggish after dinner and all the s'mores at the campfire, so I was at the lake trying to re-energize. The sun was coming down. If Annabeth were here, this would've been the perfect date. 

"Percy!" Annabeth came down the hill to me, her blond hair flying in the wind, with Hermione behind her, book in her hands.

"Hey Annabeth, Hermione," I said. "Is something wrong?" They both looked a little frantic and bewildered. I wondered what happened.

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Hermione just told me that she is from 1998."

"Wait, what?" I said. "1998? How is that possible?"

Hermione spoke up. "I have no idea. I honestly thought we were still in 1998 but just across the world."

Annabeth nodded. "Hermione borrowed a book from and saw in was published in 2008, and she got really confused when I told her that that book came out 2 years ago. Then she said she thought it was still 1998."

I took note of all this. Annabeth told me they didn't know what a smart phone was, no wonder why now. And they didn't think this was the future since we can't have any technology at camp anyways.

"Hermione, go get Harry, Ron and Draco," I said. "Meet us at the Big House, we need to tell Chiron."

Hermione nodded and hurried off to go find her friends. Me and Annabeth started running up the hill and past the strawberry fields to the Big House. When we finally arrived, we knocked on the door and peered inside. Chiron was standing in the room again, this time with someone completely new. It was the goddess herself, the one who started this entire problem, Lady Hecate.

Me and Annabeth looked at each other, then quickly bowed down to the goddess as she noticed us.

"Ah, Percy, Annabeth." Hecate held her arms out and gestured for us to sit down. 

"I'm glad you are here," Chiron said. "I was about to send a satyr to fetch you. Where are the wizards? We need them here too." 

At that very moment, the wizards burst through the door.

"Hey, you're the one that sent us here!" Harry said, pointing to Hecate. He didn't look very pleased to see her. Hermione also seemed to have found Draco from wherever he was since he was also here too.

"I'll make this quick," the goddess started. "I don't have much time as Hades needs me to be in the underworld soon, so I'll try to explain as fast as possible."

"You better explain why I'm here," Draco said. "I'm even on the same side as them." He pointed towards Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"You didn't have a choice Draco, you and I both know that," Hecate said, turning to him, where he was sitting in his usual spot. "I'm giving you a second chance. Prove yourself."

Hecate turned back to us. I was still processing the entire time travel thing and what had Hecate meant? Draco didn't have a choice? Didn't have a choice for what? Too many questions. I started feeling like Annabeth.

"I have sent these four wizards here because they need your help. The dark wizard, Voldemort, has gained too much power and is taking over the wizarding world.  Your soon to come quests will be vital in helping them defeat the evil. Yes, there is a time difference, but I couldn't think of anyone better than you demigods to help them. You've gone through two wars, now help them with theirs."

With that, Hecate disappeared in a swirl of blue and purple mist. 

We all took a few moments to understand everything. Finally, Chiron spoke up.

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