First Meeting

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"Hey man."

I looked up from the picnic blanket I was sitting on with Annabeth to see Grover standing there. 

"Whats up G-Man?" I said.

"Chiron wants to see you two at the Big House," he said.

Me and Annabeth looked at each other.

"Why?" she asked.

Grover shrugged. "He said its really important though, so you better hurry."

We both got up and started running towards the Big House. I knew we were both thinking the same thing. Please don't let it be another quest. The war with Gaea had just finished and all of us really wanted and needed a break from saving the world. Within minutes we reached and clambered up the porch steps and went through the door. Inside Chiron was standing in the middle of the room, along with four other people. I didn't recognize them. They were all in tattered clothes with cuts and bruises on their arms and legs. 

Maybe they're new demigods that got into a bad monster fight outside the border, I thought. Except they all looked our age, 17. The oldest demigods we got were Piper and Leo, but that's because it was all part of Hera's stupid plan. These people would never have survived this long as a demigod all by themselves. 

I turned to Annabeth, whose eyebrows were furrowed. I could tell the gears in her head were working to figure out this puzzle. I'm sure she was thinking the exact thing I was.

"What did you need us for, Chiron?" Annabeth asked while eyeing the four strangers.

"And who are they?" I added.

Chiron clasped his hands together. "Sit down, all of you. We have some things to discuss."

We all sat down nervously on the plush couches in front of the fireplace. I looked at all of them properly now. There were three boys and one girl. One of the boys had black, messy hair and round glasses. Next to him sat a redhead with a splash of freckles across his nose. On the other side of Glasses Boy was a girl with bushy brown hair. The third boy, who had a pale and pointed face and blonde hair, sat a bit away from them.

"Now, as you can see," Chiron started. "We have some newcomers. Why don't you introduce yourselves."

"How do we know we can trust them," the girl with brown hair said. She had an accent. They were definitely not from around here. "We were only told to trust you."

"I trust these two with my life," Chiron said.  "If you trust me, then you can trust them. In fact, how about we start with them. This is Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. They are the same age as you."

The brown haired girl still didn't seem convinced that we were trustworthy, but the redhead apparently did. 

"I'm Ron," redhead said. "This is Harry and here's Hermione. Oh, and he's Draco." He regarded the boy named Draco disdainfully. 

"Ron!" Hermione glared at him. 

"What? I trust them. I think they will help us and plus, whats the worst they can do? They just seem like muggles."

"Ronald, there is a centaur right there, I do not think they are just mugg-"

"Alright, calm down!" Harry said. "I think we can trust them, at least...for now."

The two bickering friends quieted down. I noticed the the Draco boy still hasn't said anything this entire time. He just sat on the edge of the couch with narrowed eyes. 

I was getting impatient at this point. "Chiron, can you please explain who these people are and what they're doing here. I have the feeling they're not demigods."

"You're right, they're not. In fact, they are wizards."

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Wizards?"

"And what are you?" Draco said. Everyone looked at him. I think we were all expecting him to not talk the entire time. His cheeks went pink. "What?" he demanded.

"We're demigods," Annabeth said. "Half mortal, half god."

We all just sat in silence.

I cleared my throat. "I'm getting the feeling that none of us are believing each other."

"No problem," Harry said. He stood up and pulled out a long stick from his back pocket. Something like a wand. 

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted and pointed the stick at me. Riptide came flying out of my pocket and landed in his hand. 

I gaped at him. "Alright then, you've shown us your tricks. My turn." I lifted my hands up and felt the familiar tug of my gut. Suddenly water came splashing through the windows and door and soaked everyone. 

"Seaweed Brain, was that really necessary," Annabeth grumbled as she spit water out from her mouth.

"Bloody hell mate, what was that for," Ron sputtered.

I shrugged and willed everyone dry (which was actually pretty hard).

Chiron was a bit annoyed to say the least, but he smiled and continued talking.  " Harry, why don't you explain how you got here."

"Also, where did you come from?" I asked.

"Scotland," Hermione said a little stiffly. 

Harry cleared his throat. "We were in a battle and were about to die. At Draco's house." Harry glared slightly at Draco. "Suddenly we were zapped into this foggy place with crossroads. A woman was there. She told us that we had to get away from Malfoy Manor or we would all die.  She said 'Talk to the centaur, he'll take care of you'. And then she sent us here. I'm assuming this is nowhere near Scotland." 

"This is America. And I think you just met Lady Hecate," Chiron said grimly.


HI! I hope this first chapter is good..I worked pretty hard on it and I'm excited for you guys to read it. 


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