"Shall we head for a walk, princess?" Ester nodded as he put her down. "We'll walk around the palace and leave the queen alone."

"Aunt y/n come too?" You pointed upstairs.

"I think I'll work on some clothes I'm making," you said. She nodded.

"For?" Jin asked.

"J/W." He nodded. "Her baby is due soon."

"Have fun, then." You nodded and headed up on your own.

You were left in peace for the first time in a few days as you relaxed, working on embroidering some cute ducklings onto the onesie you'd been making. You were at that for a few hours until you were interrupted.

You looked up, needle in hand. "Hey." He nodded.


"What's up?" He shook his head. "Did you get everything done?"

"I think there's a bit of a--" he paused and shook his head. You raised your eyebrows, weaving your needle through the fabric.

"A bit of a?" He shook his head again and came closer to you.

"What are you doing?" You showed him and felt him sink into the couch next to you. You gulped, leaning closer to him. "Is that a duck?"

"Isn't it cute?" He nodded slowly. He stared over your shoulder for a while before you turned back to look at him. He looked away. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He stared at you again and you raised an eyebrow as he brought his fingers up to your neck. "Did I really do that?" You pulled your hair in front of it and turned to your sewing.

"It's okay," you said quickly. He pushed your hair away to look at it again. You shuddered, his breath warm against your skin.

"It's just a bruise," he whispered. "You should ice it."

"Maybe I will," you whispered.

"After dinner, you can--"

"Your highness, dinner is--" Maria gasped, looking down at the ground as she bowed. "I'm so sorry."

Yoongi pulled his hands away from your neck and stood quickly. You put down your things before fixing your hair and standing as well. "Knock next time," he muttered before heading to the bathroom. Maria apologized again and you gave her a small smile.

"Dinner," she whispered. You nodded.

"Thank you." She curtseyed to you before hurrying off, undoubtedly embarrassed for having caught you in such an odd position.

You waited for Yoongi to return from the washroom before you both headed down together. Of course, the table was fuller than usual with the two extras plates set out. And with Tucker trying out solids, things were a little hectic as is before a messenger arrived.

"Princess, peas have lots of nutrients," Jin sighed, holding the spoon to Esther's mouth as she shrieked.

"No, no, no," she kicked him in the shin and he dropped the spoon, rubbing his knee. "Pea."

"You have to eat it, E," Joon tried to reason. "What if I fed it to you?" She watched as he also brought the spoon to her mouth. She shook her head, leaning against Jin's arm. She was cranky now-- dinner was being served later than Jin cooked for her at home it seemed.


"Look-- look, Tucker's eating," n/w pointed out, trying to wipe off the puree from her son's chin. "Why don't you eat too?" Esther stood on her chair, trying to see what Tucker was eating.

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