Start from the beginning

“And so what?” Yomi blasted her at once. “Did I tell you I didn't see that? Huh?”

“Oh, so you even saw it sef.” Candice said, stretching her arms out. “So why are you now freaking out, since you already know that it was just a simple peck that me and the man shared?”

“You call THAT simple?” Yomi was literally shoving his phone into Candice's eyes, as if he wanted to render her blind. “Just look at the way you were all loved up with your so-called uncle by the roadside, yet you have the audacity to tell me that it was just a minor thing?!”

At this particular point in time, Candice knew that there was nothing else she'd say that would convince Yomi, so she resorted to stubbornness. “See, Yomi, I don't have time for this unnecessary drama.” She walked past him, frowning. “Just leave me alone, please.”

“It's like you're mad, abi?” Yomi dragged her violently, raising his other hand impulsively after he'd thrown his phone to the bed. “You don't walk away when I'm talking to you!”

Candice's eyes widened automatically, a big look of surprise etched on her face, due to Yomi's unlikely actions. “Wow!” She exclaimed, looking at Yomi's towering hand. “So you really want to slap me, Yomi?”

“I will if you push me, and nothing will happen!”

“Oh, is that what you think?” Candice shot back at him, trying to pull her hand away from his powerful hold. “Yomi, don't dare me!”

“Try me!”

“Release my hand, Yomi!”

“I won't!” Yomi spat. “Not until you tell me who that man is to you.”

“Yomi, leave my hand!”

“I said, I won't!” Yomi insisted. “Do your worst!”

“Okay nau!”

The next thing that Yomi felt was a sharp pain on his wrist as a result of Candice's animalistic bite. “Jesus!” He yelled, letting her go. “Are you crazy?!”

Candice hissed, breathing heavily. “I warned you o. I warned you!”

Angered, Yomi sent a heavy slap to her face, but she dodged it at once.

“Jeez!” She uttered, stumbling back. “What the hell, man?”

“Come closer, if e sure for you!”

Candice kept her distance, for her own safety. It was now that she fully realized that things were surely getting out of hand. “Baby, I'm sorry.”

“You know what?” Yomi said, his voice low and hoarse. “I'm done.”

Candice thought she didn't hear him clearly. “Done?”

“Yes, I'm done!” Yomi confirmed what she heard. “Done with your shitty-ass attitude and your unrepentant ass. I can't put up with you anymore, neither can my friends, especially Isioma and Idara. You're just disgusting!”

“What?” Candice was practically lost. “Are you seriously breaking up with me?”

“Candice, read my lips!” Yomi spoke bluntly. “I'm fed up with you. I don't want you anymore. Pack your things and leave my house.”

“Baby...” She started moving closer to Yomi all of a sudden, terrified by his threats.

“Don't baby me!” Yomi snapped, pointing his finger straight to her face. “Leave here, now!”

Impulsively, Candice discarded her pride and ego and knelt down for Yomi. “Baby I'm sorry,” she begged, crawling towards him. “Please forgive me, in the name of the God you serve. I beg you.”

“So you can beg, abi?” Yomi hissed, moving away from Candice, but she grabbed him by the leg before he could even walk further.

“Yomi I'm so sorry, please.” She pleaded, holding his leg tightly, with fake tears starting to form in her eyes. “I don't even know what came over me, baby. I'm really sorry. Please, forgive me!”

“Candice, free me!”

“Yomi, please!” Candice persisted, her face buried in the leg of Yomi's black trouser as she sobbed. “I won't let you go until you forgive me. Please!”

In a bid to be free, Yomi kicked Candice with his free leg, but he instantly regretted doing so, because she started coughing loudly.

“What's wrong?”

Candice obviously couldn't respond in that condition. All she could do was cough and hold her chest as she gasped for air.

Terrified, Yomi rushed to her aid. He lifted her up, but she slipped away from his arms and collapsed on the floor just like that!

Is it just me or does anybody else think that she's just pretending? 😅

Don't forget to VOTE, please! 💙

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