A wide smile forms on my face. This man truly knows how to make me happy.

Surprised by the lack of grammar errors I decide to text him back.


Hello Skeppy. Can we please TS in 5 minutes >_>? I want to discuss our meet-up. Also I am sorry if I sounded a bit off I am perfectly fine! No need to worry ^-^ Anyways talk to you in a bit!-

As I press "sent" I quickly get up from the couch and open the door to my room. I was greeted by Rat's small snores. I make my way tip toeing to my computer, moving my mouse around for the screen to open.

The smile on my face slowly began to fade as I saw the YouTube comments tab open. I lower the window and I open TeamSpeak waiting for Skeppy to join.

A small buzzing came from my phone. Another message from Skeppy

Skep <3

-Hey I am on TS I will call yiu gaivea m y ojne sdec

I scoff at his grammar mistakes still waiting for him to call me. Why do his messages always make me smile?

Maybe he did care. When he messaged me before. Taking his time to type out every word and thinking of the most fitting one to use. Maybe...maybe I can trust him


Don't let your guard down Bad... He will backstab you like all the others. Just you wait...just you wait.


You were moved to a channel

User joined your channel

[Bold = Skeppy Normal=Bad]

"Hello?" a recognizable voice said. "Bad can you hear me?" His voice makes me happy. I could listen to him talking about random things for hours and I would never get bored.

"Bad. Bad? BAD? BAD!" I snap back into reality.

"Sorry I zoned out...did you say something?" I hear a sigh full of disappointment coming from my headset.

"Bad you seem to be zoning out quite a lot are you okay? How much did you sleep last night?" A small drop of sweat appeared on my cheek. Oh no...

"I sl-slept plenty! D-don't you worry Geppy!" I quickly mute my microphone and let out a chocked sob. Or at least I thought I did.

"Bad what was that? Are you crying? Are you okay? Please talk to me...Don't cut me out of your life. You can trust me I promise...please just...be honest." Oh no no no..NO NO!

"I am f-fine! I pr-promise I just...I just hav-ve a sore throat, that-that's it!" I sobbed again without mutting my mic.

"Bad you clearly ARE NOT FINE! Please don't cry and just be honest..."


No reply. Only silence. I didn't want to reply... But I knew I had to at some point.

As I open my mouth another sob came out. My eyes were filled with burning hot tears.

"Listen...Bad. I know this is hard for you. I wish I were there to comfort you. To wipe those tears out of your face. To hug you tightly until you felt safe. But I can't. My plane leaves in three days. I know this might be difficult for you but please, for those days that I won't be there, take care of yourself. Do it for me okay? Just do for me. I hate this. Seeing you sad not being able to hold you and cheer you up. It truly sucks...So please. Just...Just..."

"Just talk to me."

[Word Count:1.099]

[Author's Note]:

Hello to the people who read this! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am sorry if there is too much angst; fluff is coming soon don't worry. Again, I apologize if I made any typos. Writing is really fun and I sometimes get carried away and write too much, so I am sorry if it doesn't make sense. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them :] I will have hopefully uploaded Chapter three by the end of this week :D

Until then, have a good morning/evening/night :D


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