chapter twenty-two

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Finley was snuggled into my side. 

I felt safe. 


I nearly jumped out of my skin because I didn't realize anyone else was in my room. My head turned so fast, I almost got whiplash, and then my gut grew heavy when I saw Mikeal closing my door as he walked in.

He was studying me, I probably looked like crap, but I realized he must have just gotten home because he was still wearing his suit. Usually, he changed into casual clothes as fast as possible when he got home. 

"Yeah?" I answered, my voice quiet and scratchy, and he took a seat on the edge of my bed. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, "Julian told me what happened earlier." 

My cheeks heated up, this was the most embarrassing thing I've ever had to endure. I groaned, "Please tell me he didn't tell everyone." 

"No, I mean, he didn't tell Ezra," Mikeal answered. 

I guess I could accept that. "I'm fine." 

"What happened?"

That was the question, wasn't it? I didn't even really understand what happened and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to storm through the house and find Roman so I could wring his neck. My life had been in danger and it had been caused by something he did, probably one of his many secrets. "Where is Roman?" I grit out, sitting up. 

"Now hold on, answer my question first," My oldest brother pinned me with a chilling glare, "Obviously it was enough to shake you up and I need to know." 

I swallowed. For a moment, my words were stuck in my throat. I wanted to tell Mikeal the entire incident, detail by detail, but something was stopping me. I wanted to pry information out of Roman first before I told anyone else. 

I met Mikeal's expectant gaze, "A group of kids scared me, I think it was the boys who hurt Finley, but they ran." The lie slipped so easily off my tongue, I was surprised with myself. Usually, I was a suckish liar, and everybody could call me out on it, but I actually convinced myself on this one. "I don't know, it was just overwhelming and I was angry, then I ran all the way home." 

Mikeal observed me for a moment before he nodded. "Well, I'm glad you're both okay," His eyes flickered to Finley, who was still dozing on my bed, "I want you to call me the next time anything like that happens, I'll pick you up." 

"What if you're at work?" 

"It would be an emergency, I can leave." 

I nodded, "Okay." 

He was quiet for a long moment. "You would tell me if something was going on, right?" The openness in his blue eyes was almost breath-stopping, "You would tell me if you're in trouble?" 

I forced myself not to react. I wasn't the one he should be asking that, Roman was the one who wasn't telling anyone anything. "Yes, I would, I suck at keeping secrets anyway, remember?" I tried to lighten the atmosphere. 

He smiled a little, "Yeah, the corners of your mouth do a funny thing when you're lying." 

"What?" My hand flew to my mouth, "They do?" 

He chuckled softly, reaching out to grasp my hand. He brushed his thumb over the back of my hand before giving a tight, reassuring squeeze. "Yes, Jordyn, so I trust you." 

Oh, how bad I wanted to tell him exactly what happened. I would, eventually, after I interrogated Roman. But I smiled back at my oldest brother, "I trust you, too," Then, I decided to tease him, "Your ears get red when you embarrassed by the way." 

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