Chapter 19: World of Terra

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"It is my name on Terra," Grandpa replied.

"So, George Hartmann isn't even your real name?" I exclaimed and my grandfather raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed internally. "I guess that isn't so shocking, but Terra, that is your home planet, right? That is weird to say 'home planet' like you're all aliens or something."

"I suppose we are," my grandfather mused, smiling slightly.

I threw my hands into the air, suddenly excited, I was ready for more answers. "Okay, let's settle in, I have a million questions. Like how you all got here so fast? Did you fly or something?" I wandered over to the living room to find a place to sit, as my knees were still aching from my fall.

I saw Azar roll his eyes at my question as he followed me to the living room but did not sit down. "Fly, no, that is ridiculous," Azar scoffed, "we took a magic portal."

My mouth fell open a little as I processed what I heard. "'Magic portal' he says, and I'm the one you just called 'ridiculous'," I muttered under my breath.

"I can fly, well float mostly," Maya added, raising their arm like they were in class.

"Why don't you and Azar go scout the perimeter for a bit, give Diana a chance to talk to Casimir," my grandfather, also known as Master Enki, instructed. He placed his hand on Maayan's shoulder, turning them towards the door.

"Aw, but I love this story," Maya pouted, making a sad face as they looked up at my grandfather. I watched as they leaned into him while tugging absentmindedly on their braid.

"We're going," Azar stated, taking Maya's hand in his and leading them out the door.

"Okay see you later!" Maya called out cheerfully, their mood changing in a flash. I stifled a laugh as I watched them be led outside by Azar. They were a strange pair that was for sure.

"So many questions," I murmured to myself. Casimir and I eventually settled in on the couch each with a mug of coffee in front of us. My grandfather sat in his armchair nearby, his face resigned as he let out a long sigh.

"You okay there Grandpa?" I asked.

He nodded slowly before looking up to meet my eyes. "Where would you like to begin?"

I let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know, magic portals, strange new languages, secret identities?" I took another moment to think, sipping on my coffee slowly. "Okay, how about you tell me a bit about yourselves? You said you were warriors in a resistance? Fighting a King Ratty?"

"King Ratimir," Casimir clarified. "Or as he is also known, The Dark King."

"He seriously calls himself that?" I scoffed.

My grandfather let out a sharp laugh. "We've also called him the King of Darkness or the Dark Lord."

"That's too many names," I said with a raise of my eyebrow.

"The Dark King got his name due to his affinity for Dark Lunar magic. He uses it to summon wraith familiars to do his bidding," Grandpa lectured, his face was very stern as he spoke.

"Kinda spooky," I admitted.

"Many years ago there was a coup in our kingdom started by Ratimir, who was once the crown prince of our country. We don't know why but one day he went berserk and killed most of the High Council. Then he attempted to kill his brother, the previous king," Casimir added.

"You say 'attempted' but since he is the current king I'm betting he succeeded."

"He did, eventually," Grandpa said sadly. "In the wake of Ratimir's takeover, both King Cynefrith and Queen Helena were murdered."

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